
Every job I apply for is secretly promised to someone...what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I spend 3 hours on cover page for nothing....i just graduated college and need a good job..




  1. I think it better to build a website or Blog about your career and background.

    You should post all resume+ cover letter, plus all Degree,, certificate an etc...

    then whenever yo apply for a job just forward its page for hirer to preview.

    Good Luck!


  2. I hope your letters of application are better formulated than this question.

    What exactly do you mean ?

  3. well if every job you apply for is secretly being promised to someone else then you have to keep looking.  What else could there be to do if you want a job?

  4. do what i m doing?

    pray to GOD....

  5. you have to do more then apply for the job, you have to be self motivated and by that I mean CALL them yourself and ask them if there hiring or what the status is of your application.. ask them if you can fax your resume etc.. etc.. i mean I know for a fact I would of not even got an interview with the current place I want to work with if it were not for me being self motivated and calling them myselves.. just go for it.. i mean its not there duty to call you at all.. you want to work for them.. so YOU call them.. or someone else might secretly do it lol

  6. Keep pounding the pavement everyday and you will eventually get a job. Sometimes we have to start out at a lower job and work our way up. Just because you graduated college doesn't automatically mean you will land or get the perfect job...

    Maybe role play a job interview with family or friends and see if they can give you some tips or some constructive talk to help you be the one a company wants to hire.

    Read some articles on how to improve the interview. It's not just the paperwork that makes them decide if they want to hire you or not.

    Good Luck..

  7. Keep looking.

    It Happens.

    The next question to ask yourself, how were your grades and what is your criminal, rental, and financial history?

    I think you need a "job". You keep planting the resumes and you will eventually find the "good job". Don't expect it to happen over night unless you were in the top of your class.

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