
Every man is created equal, land of the free?

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what does this words mean if theres alot of raceism in the u.s.a, its says every and the land of the free, it dosent look like it




  1. dint let the racist weird actions of a few effect your opinion of a whole country and its people.

  2. Those words means nothing to racists. They are so full of hate, that when decent people disagree with them, you see them coming, posting the only thing that they know, hate and racism against immigrants. Nothing good comes from them.

  3. People confuse free with 'take advantage of'.

  4. We were created equal but where does it say we are to stay equal?

    Land of the free.  No such thing.

    A lot of people have giving their lives for us to be free

    Go to the middle east and ask this question and see how many soldiers show up to arrest you

  5. .... and the home of the brave!

    Looks and opinions belong to the holder.

  6. Welcome to life.  These are ideals that we strive for.  Like everything else in life, we humans often fall short.  Communism didn't work so hot either, even though on paper it was a good idea.  In Africa, there are lots of tribes are hacking up other tribes with machetes...and they're all Black!  So, what's up with that?

    If you don't like it here, check out some other places.  More power to you if you find Utopia.  I wish democracy worked better too, but I'm not ready to throw it out for some other unproven pipe dream.  If you  really look around, you'll see that we've got it pretty good here in the USA.

  7. The true meaning has gotten lost some where down the line. Every man is created equal there is a lot of people that don't know what equal is.

  8. While every man may be created equal,they don't stay equal. Special rights for special people, paid for by whites but not given to them.

  9. I sure hope you are able to wake up soon.

  10. Racism exists everywhere on the globe. Depending on where you live on the planet, you're either the windshield or the bug. Doesn't mean it's right, just means it's a fact of life.

    Created equal was to denote equality under the law.  Truth of the matter is, there's no such thing as equality, no matter where you live. For the United States of America to have been founded on such an ideal, regardless of whether or not it could live up to it, set it apart from other governments that existed at the time.

    As for land of the free, well, most of us on this forum have never had to experience living in a country where that was not the case or you wouldn't have to wonder what it means.

  11. if you work your rear off - nothing is free in America.

  12. Thank you!

  13. there is WAY MORE racism in the rest of the world than in the USA.

    I know this for a fact. I've spoken with countless immigrants who have lived in Europe for example then moved to America.

  14. not a chance!!

  15. then go back?

  16. Rich powerful people have destroyed what once was a free land

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