
Every night i have these dreams that im at a camp like camp rock, but you can go home to your house, readdeats

by  |  earlier

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yeah, so its a camp like camp rock, and you can go home, but every day you go back, and the girls of RBD were there that was so awesome, then me and my mom went to a doallor store i think, and i saw Roberta there, my mom said she did not want me to be in the camp anymore, then i was going to ask Roberta if she wanted to come over, but its a big age diffrence 10-22, so then me and my dad we setting off to go ask Roberta and if she did not want to, then Mia if she did not it would be Lupita, then i went to Roberta and asked her if she wanted to, then i woke up, that was the 2 dream and the 2 day, the first one i had was a therei think it was a magic camp idk, i went to a shop at the camp, and these scary ghost and witches started popping up, then i talked to one at the store, and she warned me to be careful, then i saw witches going on brooms, and wizards casting spells on toads, then i woke up! what did they mean????? and i want the second one to countue so i could ask Roberta i tink it




  1. I believe dreams are just your subconscious reinforcing what you know in real life. In some cases, like here, you really like RBD and your mind is reflecting that while you sleep.

    I don't know what RBD is, but if there are witches and magic in RBD, then that is why you are dreaming about it.

    If not...or even if so...the magic and evil in the dream (and the warning) tells me you may be sensitive to the spiritual world.

    If you have further questions, please email me at

    Hope this helped.

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