
Every night there is a steady red flickering white light in the sky?

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Every day from winter to summer for the last few years I have noticed a red flickering white light in the sky in the exact same position, visible as it gets dark, i can see it from abroad, and its the same thing, facing the same direction, it cannot be a star because it has multiple colours and is not a steady light, do any of you have any ideas on what it is?




  1. Believe it or not, it is actually a satellite orbiting the Earth (an example of a satellite is Sputnik 1). The satellite revolves around the Earth because of Earth's gravitational force. That is how we get radio signals, internet, satellite T.V., and other wireless connections!

  2. Could be a radio tower.

  3. it may be magical light which are generated on collision of rays from sun with earth's magnetic field.

  4. If it doesn't move with respect to the ground, then it is likely a radio tower or something else attached to the ground.  Binoculars might help you nail this down.

    If it moves quickly, it's likely in the air, like a balloon, helicopter, or airplane.  It could also be a satellite. I saw a bright red satellite once last summer. Several of us saw it. Very unusual. Really made the observing night.

    If it moves very slowly with respect to the stars, it might be a very high satellite.  A geosynchronous satellite could appear effectively fixed to a point over the ground.

    If it is fixed to the stars, it's a star, planet or asteroid. Stars sometimes flicker due to the atmosphere, and can have colors like red, blue, and so on.  Planets usually don't flicker, but each has it's color.

    Find a local astronomy club.  See if you can point it to them.  They'll have good ideas and the equipment to test them.

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