
Every once inawhile when i flush my upstair toilet my pipes make a rumbling noise what could be the cause?

by Guest66013  |  earlier

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also my masterbath tub drains very slow im th eonly one in th ehouse, don't think the cats are not messing around with the plumbing this this is a 7yr old house,




  1.     Sounds like "pipe hammer" you can go to Home depot and get a part for that, a type of small cylinder that goes between the pipe and the outlet, it stops this.

  2. my toilet did that to try opening up the water valve more on the back of the toilet that fixed my problem

  3. Sounds like you might have air in the pipes.

    Shut the water off at the main and go around and open all your faucets, flush all toilets throughout the house.

    Then go back and turn water on at main again. Starting at the lowest point(as the water comes out with no interruptions),shut off your faucets and work your way up to the highest point as your pipes fill themselves with water.

    As for your drain it sounds as though it might have been clogged with hair. Try using a snake or commercial drain cleaner to clear it out. Hope this is of help. Good luck.  

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