
Every one knows about Singapore.. In which Everything is Good. How could be possible this kind of development?

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WITH IN A SHORTS PERIOD OF TIME??? The all logical answers will help every human beings in the world.. i hope.




  1. thanks to Sir Raffles  

  2. cause its so small 40% of the population are tourist spending there money

  3. singapore is neat ,clean, tidy,yes it is.its not only an effort by government but also  the people  there, who want it to be that way(clean environment) and they obey the law .obviously it has to be ,because its a tourist destination.

    we indians want  a western,european kind of living like dressing as they do,eating,partying.but why  we dont want to copy   the cleanliness that foreigners like the most.we want our house to be neat and clean,not our surroundings.spitting in public place is against the rule ,but anybody listening ??????????.in delhi to leave the cow wandering in the city is against the rule,do any body hear that.the same indian who go to singapore obey their rule ,why ?.dont we love our country.people make money for their future generation(son, daughter) to lead healthy and happy life.why dont they think that unless and otherwise the environment is clean and green with trees ,how will their  future generation is going to live their life here .

    sound is produced  only when both your hands clap together .

  4. anything is possible friend.

    imagine your parents let you out in this world to ask this kind of question.

    everything is possible.

    if every Indian pay their taxes, be honest to their own MOTHERLAND, LOVE THEIR MOTHERLAND not USA or UK, if this can happen we can outbid not only Singapore but every country. don't think i am a patriotic idiot. we the YOUNGSTERS put little effort then asking and answering this qestions. WE CAN REALLY SEE, FEEL AND ENJOY THEM.

    Jai Hind.


  5. You really want to know? What we say here won't help. My reccommendation is , get our Minister Mentor's book from whereever you are. In there, he writes about the growth of Singapore and the challenges we faced.

    But let me tell you something. We managed to succeed in a short period of time BECAUSE our forefathers sweated blood to build up this place with their own bare hands. We became successful based only on hard work and intelligence. We've got nothing, no natural resources, no land area, and no extremely large infrastructure to boost of.

    My own grandfather is acutally Korean, but he moved to China with his grandparents in the year 1900, when he was just 7 years old. He came to Singapore in the year 1940 to earn a living , despite having to endure the long journey by ship.It wasn't easy. And it's becaues of these people that we have the success we've had.

    Please don't ask such a question in this source. Our forefathers didn't sacrifice their lives and youth for others to be skeptical about how can Singapore achieve such high levels of development. Save that for an Anti-singapore hate site. Thank you very much.  

  6. It is a nice, clean, fairly safe city to live in, but there are some problems just like anywhere.  You get people who have gambling, drinking, drug addictions and you get murders and muggings.  You don't get as many as you might get in other cities of this size, but they do happen.

    But the government is strict and that helps keep things working as well as possible.  If you murder someone here, chances are you'll hang for it, same for drug smuggling and some other crimes - it does seem to act as a deterrant for most.  

    I think though that they're doing a good job.  Keeping a city running this smoothly is a tricky business and Singapore are doing the best they can.  For other cities wanting to become more like this city I think they have to pump money into the system - they need more police, they need to fine people for making a mess and they need a veritable army of cleaners keeping the place tidy.  Most cities either can't or won't spend this kind of money and so we end up with a messy city.

    Some people mention India - begging and homelessness seem to be big problems there, so if people who live on the streets were educated better and given jobs and trained to sweep and clean and paid enough to live doing that job, then the cities there would be better too - roads and pavements need to be maintained, people need to be delt with harshly if they make a mess, hygiene needs to be improved and recycling needs to be carried out on a large scale.  But it all requires money and a massive amount of planning - which is often why it doesn't get done.

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