they say "Each day, 1172 Americans die from smoking-related illnesses." but don't we already have an over population problem?
1172 people a day times 365 days a year, thats 427.780 people who are not using earths resources, 427.780 job openings, 427.780 worth of air, food and water not used. isn't Big Tobacco actually helping to preserve the human race by pruning out the weak minded? (and you have to be weak minder to knowingly ingest something that has a warning label saying it will kill you.)
for example, According to Cornell University's science news (January 20, 1997), each American uses about 100 gallons of water a day for drinking, cooking, washing, waste disposal and other personal purposes
so Big tobacco is saving 42.778.000 Gallons of water a year by killing off those people.
come on, look at the greater good.