
Every single thing you know about Leo females....

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personal experience is more accurate.

Most detailed answer gets ten points.

I'd prefer people who know them.




  1. aloof, detached at first but also social and friendly. She's the type that starts conversations with people she finds interesting. She has a sense of humor, usually sarcastic, that she always uses. She's confident but might shy away from commitment or emotional involvement. She lives to have fun and she hates when someone annoys her or makes her angry.

    She can be violent if she feels embarrassed or threatened but she is usually always chirpy, enthusiastic, funny, and energetic. She loves food and talking.

    Physically, she has gorgeous, large eyes and large hips. She's fleshy, hot blooded, and muscular. Her voice is girlish, a bit high.

    Sometimes she can be quiet but it's just because she doesn't find everybody interesting. She goes for those that she likes allot.

    On the negative side, she can be lazy and careless. She doesn't strive for her goals and forgets about things. She forgets about promises she made.

    That's the leo female I know.  

  2. They're very social. They have really big hearts and aren't afraid to help out their friends. I have this Leo friend (girl) that would probably knock out anyone who she feels did something horrible to another person. She sticks up for anyone and everyone. She loves cracking jokes, and has a great sense of humor. Very athletic, she loves to run. Her hair is always washed, combed, blow-dried and up in a pony-tail each day. She likes drama but not when it involves her or her close friends. Not afraid of authority figures, shes loves speaking her mind, even when she knows she can get in trouble because of it. Shes very outgoing and does a lot of volunteer work. She has a great smile. People who don't know her are often scared of her because of her crazy personality, but up-close, shes a warm-hearted, goofy, fun-loving, courageous person who doesn't care whether or not people will "accept" her. Oh, and lastly, she has HUNDREDS of friends. =)

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