
Every time I open a folder, I get a warning or an error?

by  |  earlier

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Every time I open a folder in my computer, such as videos. I will either get an error and the folder will close, or I will get a pop-up that says "Dangerous error!

Attention, Derek! Some dangerous viruses detected in your system.

Windows Vista (TM) Home Basic files are corrupted.

This may lead to the destruction of important files in C:/Windows.

Download protection software now!

Click OK to download the antispyware. (Recommended)"

If I click okay it will take me to

The thing is I have McAfee and I have scanned my computer four times.

If I get an Error it will pop up that windows explorer has stopped working (Which I'm not running at the time.) It will close out, taking up to 20 seconds. This can happen with anything, anytime, like when I'm making my Videos with Windows Movie Maker it will just say this error and close.

Please help!




  1. Run a complete scan with the new spybot, and delete all

    Download from the "Softpedia secure download (RO)"

    Hint: When downloading and you get to the options window, remove check from "Separate secure shredder application

  2. that means there w=might be a virus on you computer.the computer is warning you.......for not letting you open a folder becasue it might be in there you nare so ugly..

  3. something is very wrong with your computer!

  4. Dear PW i have the exact same problem and i found out that it is a type of spyare that downloads itself to your computer if you visit illegal sites... what ever you do do not download the program called totalsecure2009... its a fake program and it is used to steal your money.

    What you need to do is go and download Malwarebyte's from this link

    and install update and scan....

    visit this site for more info on the virus

    email me if you have any problems

  5. what u need to do is restore your pc. My pc was doing exactly the same thing as yours was. I had to restore it. I am not sure on how to do a system restore in vista though! That should take care of your problem!

  6. its just saying that so you can buy or download their software. if you have mcafee and it hasnt found anything dont worry about it

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