
Every time I push in the clutch and shift to the next gear the RPMs jump up and then levels out. Whats wrong?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 2003 Dodge Ram 1500 3.7 5-speed




  1. mabey a vacume leak.

  2. Your clutch is slipping.

  3.   Let up on the gas.

  4. when you push the clutch in, take your foot off the gas.

  5. Are you saying it revs while you have the clutch down or after you let the clutch up and have engaged the next gear? If it's revving after you shift once the clutch is out you need a new clutch because it's slipping. Otherwise, just let off the gas all the way as you shift...

  6. You're supposed to take your foot off the gas when you press the clutch in... DUH!!!

  7. I have the same problem with a Ford Ranger and was told to change the Idle air control. I haven't done it yet cause mine is only an intermittent problem and I haven't had time to work on it yet.

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