
Every time i drive i get drousy. on the freeway and work to home. evendoe i have alot of sleep day before why?

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Every time i drive i get drousy. on the freeway and work to home. evendoe i have alot of sleep day before why?




  1. Solutions:

    Value sleep so we can get more sleep—8 hours or more each night.

    Avoid driving after alcohol/sedating medications and avoid driving MN - 7 am.

    Improve awareness regarding drowsy driving.

    Legal and societal changes regarding driving regulations to improve driver safety.

    Identify the drowsy driver, diagnose (OSA) Obstructive Sleep Apnea , and appropriately counsel, refer, and treat the drowsy driver.

  2. If it's a routine drive, usually uneventful, the passing scenery and the steady motion of the car lead to "highway hypnosis" and drowsiness.  I've rolled the window down for fresh air and cranked up the radio to sing along at the top of my lungs.  Something to drink will probably help, too.

  3. Looks like you get a bit sleepy while at the keyboard too...

    First thing... Turn the heat down.  Keeping the inside of the car cooler will help you stay awake.  Caffeine helps some people, as does loud music and lots of fresh air.  

    I always try to listen to talk radio.  It helps keep my mind active,  while music tends to put me to sleep.

  4. Maybe you have a carbon monoxide leak in your car?

  5. Are you actually getting restful sleep? Sleep apnea could be the cause. A person stops breathing and the body triggers a reflex to start waking you up to induce breathing. You don't actually wake up but come out of the most restful stages. result, you end up feeling tired all the time even after 8 hours of "sleep". Does someone else sleep with you? If so, have them monitor you for a few hours one night. If they suspect this is the case, then go see a doctor for further testing and possibly a CPAP machine.

    As an alternative, is there an alternate route to take so you can vary your commute? You may be simply bored. What is the liveliest music you have? Put it on at a good volume.

    Finally, carpool or take mass transit for a good portion of the commute - leave the driving to someone else. It may seem like giving up a freedom but it is worth it if it saves your life or others lives.

  6. Yeah I would say it's a highway hypnosis kind of situation. Try coffee, water or fruit (sugar). Also try to change your mindset listen to something interesting on the radio. It'll keep your attention and keep you awake. On the outside chance check if your Exhaust system is leaking somewhere. I've seen it before.

  7. The question is why does this happen.  Here are some

    possible causes, your cause may be some combination of

    these:  A constant low-pitch noise or vibration, featureless

    terrain, being mesmerized by the passing white lines

    (truckers used to call this "white line fever"), failure to engage

    the mind (looking around at the scenery).  Driving may have

    become so routine and uninteresting that you are being

    bored to tears.  Do something to engage your mind.  Maybe

    counting out-of-state license plates or counting poice cars or

    counting VW Beetles......You get the idea.  Something thats

    not so consuming as to monopolize your attention but occur-

    ing frequently enough to keep you looking.

  8. I  cant tell you why but to help you could roll down the window that usually helps or pickup a coffee or anything w/ caffiene

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