
Every time i talk to my daughter she want to cry and have fits but when she wants something she my best friend

by Guest33174  |  earlier

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i need help my daughter is like my emeny and she is only two i know i am being a good mother but sometimes it like im the bad one but say if she get off the bed or i tell her to come here and she says no and i start to count 5 some times that works but not all the times like if where out to eat and she bangs her spoon on the table and sreams for attention and usely someone comes over there because i look like im fourteen and i am really 21 i hate that so now she got her way. but i take her in the bathroom and talk to her as a warning she still finds something else to erk me pppllleeeaaassee help.




  1. I agree with the first answer.  You are your daughter's parent, first and foremost.  Stop trying to be her "best friend." That's most likely why people intervene and think you're a mere child - not because you look young, but because you aren't acting like a parent.  You don't have to spank or hit, but you do need to discipline.  A little warning isn't always enough.  If she can't listen and keeps throwing a tantrum, promptly pick her up and go home.  Tell her that you left because she couldn't listen to you and act like a big girl.  She'll soon get the message.

  2. Children can be very strong willed. Even while we rejoice in their individuality we are stung by how difficult they are to manage. I suggest you play some of her game with her. She knowns she makes you uncomfortable by being difficult, so you have to devise a way to take control. You are the adult and need to  take control.

    I suggest you reward positive behaviour by appreciating  and acknowledging when she is good. Do not give in to her emotional bribes, no matter how tempting. Tell her striaght that you love her and can do stuff for her without the drama.

    I use Isolation techniques with my kids and it works. When you send a child to the corner or her  room ensure nobody speaks to her. Dont leave her alone for a long time remember she is only a baby.

    I also talk to them. Sitting down to discuss bad behaviour long after the event helps. I say things like am your mum.  You should listen to me because its my job to take care of you. I want to be proud of you and do lots of nice stuff together but you have to help me. It works and they listen.

    I know you are human and naturally you will loose your temper once in a while but try taking deep breathes and reminding yourself mentally that she is a baby before you react.  No more trips to the bathroom please. Calm down and clean up the mess. Take away the food if you are really mad at her then ignore her for  a little while. She will get the message. when she comes to you play with her but at bedtime sit with her and have that talk.

    You can do this...

  3. You need to draw the line here or it will only get worse as she gets older. You are not a friend- you are a parent. You have to be the bad guy sometimes. Your child is 2 years old so, of course, she is going to get upset, cry, etc. when she doesn't always get her way. My son is only 1 and does that now, but I don't back down. He can cry all he wants, but he is still going to sit in his high chair and eat or get his diaper changed. She doesn't hate you- she just has a mind of her own and wants to do her own thing. It's your job as the mom to teach her right and wrong and that you are boss! You can do it!

  4. just be calm.don't keep on restrict her.for a few days(10 days)be friendly with her ,don't argue strictly with her,give kind words.then she will be surprised "why  my mom is not saying anything wrongly to me".you can see a change from yourkid.All the best.

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