
Every time someone uses the house phone is disconnects my computer using wireless internet off the router.

by  |  earlier

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I have a wireless router and a computer upstairs. Every time some calls or uses my house phone, It disconnects the computer using the interenet off the router, How do i fix this?




  1. Sounds like interference...

    -Move any phones, or any electrical devices, away from the router.  

    -Try relocating your router to another room.

  2. Classic.  You probably have a 2.4GHz cordless phone in your house.  These randomly jump channels to improove security and privacy but they aren't "friendly" with wireless networks and stomp all over the network, obliterating it's signal.

    Put your wireless router as high up as you can and as far from electrical and metal things as you can, that'll give you the best coverage.  Try to put it in the middle of where you expect to be (usually the middle of the house).  If you have 2.4GHz cordless phones you may want to replace them with 5.8GHz, 900MHz, or the new DECT6.0 phones that won't cause interference.  Also, wireless video senders, or wireless cameras that run on 2.4GHz should be set to the farthest channel from your router (e.g. set video sender to 1 or A and put the router on channel 11).

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