
Every time that I try to get my ears pierced they get really infected?

by  |  earlier

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What can I do? I really want to get them pierced, but every time I try they get really red and they bleed, and other stuff like that, and they really hurt, so I end up taking them out and letting them seal over. Please help!




  1. You are probably allergic to the earrings. Get them peirced with real gold earrings and clean them with peroxide regularly :)

  2. go to boots  and buy Achenacia, take it after you have had the piercing many times as the bottle says.

    great stuff...helps loads!!

    good luck!

  3. Get them done professionally by a pro piercer who uses hollow needles instead of the gun, the impact of the gun can cause complications with the earring and usually takes a longer time period for the piercing to heal.

  4. Use alcohol on them instead of that stuff the ear piercers give you.  I did and now I have holes in my ears that won't close.  Happy, happy me.

  5. must be disease y'knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  6. Pain, bleeding, and redness are not signs of infection.

    Normal irritation are confused with infection quite a lot with piercings.

    Have you ever been pierced by a professional piercer (tattoo/piercing shop) with a sterile needle and proper jewelry?  If not, I'd highly suggest that.  The difference in healing between a needle and a piercing gun are GREATLY different.

    The needle is a much less traumatic way of piercing.  The gun literally shoots a dull earring through your skin.

    The studs used in gun piercings also don't allow the piercings to drain (due to the butterfly back) which can push the crusties/discharge back into the piercing's hole, which can cause even further irritation.

    A piercer will use a CBR (hoop), or labret stud, if you'd still like the same stud look.

    Here are some pictures of labret studs to compare:

  7. I've got a list of things for you to try, and I think you'll get good results from them.

    1.) Don't get them gunned. This causes tissue damage and trauma and you can get infections from them (seeing as they can never be fully sterile- they cant be auto claved) So, if youve been getting em gunned, this is probably the main factor. Go to a pro who will use a hollow needle. This might sound daunting, its not, its actually so much more safer.

    2.) The earrings you wear probably play a big role in this. If they are a cheap metal they will rust in your ears, make them sore and red...generally infect them. If the jewerelly is gold or silver this is not good either. Contrary to popular misconception gold and silver are bad for fresh piercings...they are porous and so are breeding grounds for bacteria- you dont want to encourage this in a new piercing. You should buy stainless steel or titanium earrings to begin with.

    3.) Try cleaning them twice daily with warm water mixed with SEA SALT. dont clean them with anything that has alcohol in (as this is detrimental to piercings) if you clean them with the sea salt solution, you should find that they are much healthier.

    So, those three things will actually have a big impact. You've got too be patient to though, piercings dont heal up over night. They can take up to a year to heal fully. Your ear piercings will probably be healed fully after six weeks though. So, good luck, I hope you follow my advice because what im saying really is true.

  8. Do you pierce them yourself? Have you gone to a store to get them pierced? Sometimes, then store's piercings don't "work out", and it's very bad to pierce your ears yourself. Go to the doctors to get them done.

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