
Every year, i get sick on the first day of school. i already feel it coming on, what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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today was my first day, and i guess not being used to so many people, and being exposed to so many germs makes me sick everyy year.

i came home today and took a nap and when i woke up im all stuffy and sniffly. i drank a cup of tea but it hasnt seemed to help. i hate medicine. i know of drinking orange juice or eating an orange helps but i dont have any. any other suggestions??




  1. i recomend you take a hot shower every morning and also bring a small triel hand sanitizer to help soo you dont have to get up allot if you have cleann hands one problem solved =)

    i hope you get better soon! =D

  2. Sorry to hear that. Try Airborne. I've heard it does wonders. :) Feel better!!

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