
Everybody is always mean to me especially family, i cry about 3 times a week. They always make fun of me.

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I'm 11 years old. I'm a good kid, in honors. I try the best to be nice & respectful to people. My family usually makes fun of me calling me fat ugly mean stupid retarded. It really hurts me buht i have nothing else back to say. My friends are always asking about my sister like where is she is she awake. My neighbors all like my sister better, but when my sister or other people make fun of them i stick up for them but it never gets noticed. My friends make fun of me calling me names like stupid retarded fat. But i know its just words, but words really hurt me. I dont know what to do. My family always gangs up on me and hit me or stuff, they always say to my sister your my favorite cousin and stuff like that. I feel really worthless. Nothing i can do and a person i told about this to my best friend, but she didnt really help to be honest.I've have suicidal thoughts for about 6 months, and never gone away. Im scared to tell my mom or dad about this. But i feel really lonley and that if i die no one would really care. Please help me




  1. Please Please recognize that you are depressed and your perception of reality is clouded.  Don't act on your suicidal thoughts.. that would be such a waste of a beautiful person.. with a lot to offer this world.  You've got potential... you're young and you're smart.  

    It's emotional abuse.. it's awful that your family treats you this way.  When you say that your family gangs up on you.....Do you mean your parents too?  Suspect that you've started to believe that bull sh-t.    

    You need to find a therapist.. you could start with a trusted adult.. to talk to about your feelings.  A therapist or councilor can help you work through your pain.. and get you on a road to recovery.

    Empower yourself.... Work on your own self worth.. David Burns has a book.. 10 days to Self-Esteem.  It will help you recognize how your thoughts effect how you feel about yourself.  

    Please go to some of the links below.. they can offer some support and hope.

    Wish you healing and courage... big warm hug to you.. believe that you can and will feel better.


  2. ohh. wow.

    i think you need to talk to

    your mom or dad or somebody.

    becasue no matter what i say to you

    those people are still going to hurt you.

    i guess my best advice is to take what they

    say with a grain of salt.

    in other words dont let their words affect you.

    but you need to talk to somebody.

    and as foryoufamily they need some help too.

    but a different kind.

    and your "friends" are not really friends at all.

  3. ive been through this exact situation and still get ganged up on in my family. since im a little older than you ill share my expirience. when i was younger i was a thick kid, im not gonna say fat cause thats a bit harsh. my so called "friends" would make fun of me and always ask where my brother was too. they seemed to be more interested in showing off to him than being around me.first thing you need to do is dont take things so personally. in life, people will ALWAYS be mean to you. you just have to be strong and remember that one day, when your older you'll be a beautiful girl ( i can bet this). sometimes when people think girls arent "cool" or "pretty" or whatever people say, those girls grow up to be some of the prettiest people, no joke. first thing to do is drop your friends.everyone deserves good, honest,trustworthy friends and you dont deserve to be picked on by some bratty girls. only keep a few friends who DONT make fun of you. this way they leave you and your family alone. then, try what i tried. talk to your family. your mom alone, your dad alone and your sister alone. ask your sister if she hates you. if she says no- thats good. if she says yes, dont believe her. my brother would always say that, but i knew deep down he never meant it. ask her why shes mean and tell her that it makes you really sad sometimes when she hurts you. then go to your mom and tell her the same thing, and same for your matter what they say, KNOW THAT THEY LOVE YOU. if they didnt love you they wouldnt feed you, keep you and would let you live in the streets. but instead their letting you live in their house, feeding you and putting clothes on your back...i know how hard this is, i do. but always remember that suicide is NEVER the answer. besides your 11, things can only get better from here. whenever you feel sad, remember that there is a GOD to  talk to and pray to, and think about all the good things youve done in your life. your on honors, your a smart girl. always know that at least one person, if not more, care about you. god bless and good luck...remember, your not alone. ive been there.  

  4. first of all: if they hit you for non-constructive reasons (like punishments) or are consistently, physically hurting you: get out. you can not live there. seriously, if this is the case, i know what happens next, and trust me, you won't like it. foster care, etc, is seriously 10 times better than abuse like that.

            for the emotional/verbal abuse: it sounds pretty severe. if i were you, i would talk to your parents about family counseling. that may help you in the long run. if they shoot down this idea multiple times (i would campaign for it for at least a month), i would report it to your school principal, or, if you have one, guidance counselor. emotional and verbal abuse are just as harmful as physical or sexual, but there effects take a little longer to take firm hold.

        in all seriousness, the truth is that you are currently being abused. i know it is scary to think about the consequences of reporting this. i know you are afraid of your family hating you for turning them in. but currently, i'm sorry to say, they are doing a really bad job at loving you. it sounds as though you have nothing to lose. please, if you don't mind, stay in touch with me. my email is

  5. ok you know what your friends are messed up, don't be friends with them, in fact bag on them back say "do you honestly have nothing to do in your life than to bag on other people" and your family...WOW they are REALLY messed up, why do they treat you like that, have you though about seeing a counselor, maybe at the school you go to, if they are really treating you bad, and i mean really bad, if they're abusing you in anyway, you can always call child care and they can help you, but if child care sees you are being abused by your family, they will take you away, but if you really want your family to be gone, you can always start with a new family (as in adopted family), OR there is another option, you can talk to them say "why do you treat me so different than (enter sister name here)" and see what they say, and think you have to think of comebacks, try to think of all the bad things about them, treat them like they treat you, but you really need like a good friend or counselor to help you and your family  

  6. Sometimes there are people out there that will say and do things to make you feel like you are useless. The truth is that you are a very important person in this world. You have to be happy with yourself and everything you have accomplished. You're in honors! My wife made it to honors but I never did. That is AWESOME. Keep up the good work. The other things they are saying about you are probably because they feel dumb for never being as smart as you. You have a good start in life and dont let them bring your world down. There are people out there willing to listen. Call 1-800-448-3000. It is a hotline for boys and girls that just need to talk. Give them a call and vent, chat, maybe have a good time. Remember that there are lots of people out there that care and we are just some of them. Dont give up. : )

  7. I really know how you feel! I've been through some of the same things..I really think you should talk to you'r parents though..suicide isn't the right thing..if you died think of how it would hurt your parents.

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