
Everybody keeps putting Jose Canseco down and says he's a liar, but almost everything he has said about?

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steroids has come true. Many of the players he spoke about in his first book came to light as users, and now in his second season, Vindicated, he talked about A-Rod being a scumbag guy who is 2-faced and who hit on his ex-wife Jessica, etc. Now that we see A-Rod has infidelities and is getting divorced from his wife, this proves that Jose isn't lying again. Jose is the man, who else agrees? This guy is telling the truth most of the time, which is more than I can say about a lot of these pro-athletes.




  1. We don't even know what ARod has done for sure.  There are two sides to every story here and nobody even knows what ARod has done with his current wife yet alone Jose's claims.

    I think Jose is a loser quite honestly and I don't believe he has any credibility at all for that matter.  He also accused ARod of steroids just the same and can anyone prove that?  It is highly doubtful considering ARod is one of the finest conditioned athletes out there and has been his entire career.

    Canseco has proved time and again he is in it for the money and you can't believe a d**n thing the man says in my eyes.  Sure he is going to be correct about some things but definitely not everything.  Finding out what is and what is not accurate would be more h**l than it is worth unless it can be proven.

  2. 1) people have been muttering about steroids for years, despite the hype, there was nothing groundbraking in either of his books

    2) As for Arod being two-faced... so what, it's not hard to guess a pro-athlete is hitting on other women.

    3) As for telling the truth most the time, ask Ordonez. Do you believe Canseco was trying to shake him down or not.

  3. I give Jose a lot of credit for coming out and first exposing the fact of his steroid usage then blowing the lid off the scandal by accurately naming a lot of the other users as well. He single-handedly got MLB to stop hiding and covering up the problem and should be commended for that. Obviously I don't condone his usage or any other players (which there are more than that don't use) but he was one of the few that actually came out and admitted it without being busted on a random test. A-Roid, I would put money on, has used steroids and continues to use undetectable HGH as with Giambi, Big-Papi, Sheffield, Tejada and other "sluggers" of the league.

  4. kids have names for people like Jose. they're called tattle-tails. hes not a liar hes just a rat. i have no doubt that hes telling the truth but lets get real. if you were doing hgh and somebody around you that you trusted you tells the world that yes you did and published in a book. wouldnt you be slightly miffed?

  5. i do give him credit about telling the truth, BUT look at the circumstances. he is an older guy who is no longer talked about and now he comes out with a book to gain publicity. i really feel like the whole "im going to tell on all these players" act is a publicity stunt. it does have good effects, but it also has negative ones.

    remember he did conradict himself about clemens. in his book he stated "i do not think roger ever took steroids" but earlier this year he came out and said that clemens did in fact take steroids. that shows that canseco is not necessarilly the most reliable source.

  6. there isn't much good you can say about a guy like canseco, but he has been telling the truth the whole way and you have to look at his claims as being meritable at least...however, it's clear that he's doing this because he needs money and therefore he writes these books in order to garner attention, and while it's valiant the reasoning behind it is selfish

  7. He is a liar because many people he called out recently have never been implicated.  And he is lying for some reason to back Roger Clemens(the whole party story that Canseco claims Bonds was never at, but he really was from pictures and other people testifying).  He is also a huge scumbag because he is the Rat.  Just like in the Mafia, a person who snitched on people are traitors, he is one too.  He was one of the biggest abusers of steroids, and then his career goes sour, becomes bankrupt and then realizes he can make millions off of ratting out the whole baseball, and make up some lies.  so how can you trust anything he says if he is just doing it to make a quick buck.

  8. I totally agree with you, and if you watched the ESPY's you will see that the people at ESPN and Justin Timberlake agree with you too.

  9. Nobody puts him down because he's a rat. Frankly I don't like him because he gets paid for it and he says this stuff now because he is bitter about his own career.

  10. I get a real kick out of the "he's a fink', "he's a tattletale" mode that so many people seem to be in about Canseco. Sorry to burst your bubble folks, but there are thousands of people who "tattle" on others every day. In our judicial system, they are called "witnesses". And if somehow you think that someone talking about illegal behavior (and sorry - although it wasn't against baseball rules, using steroids for the purposes they used them was illegal - just like using any prescription drug for purposes other then the ones they are legally prescribed for is) is equivalent to a kid in school tattling on another kid for chewing gum, then you have a very warped view of the world. Your notion that anyone who tells about someone else doing wrong is some sort of a sin would basically allow murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc. free every single day. While certainly steroid use is not as severe as these things are, it is still illegal behavior.

    While I certainly do not think that Canseco is a hero, and while I have to wonder why he waited so long to come out with these accusations, he is possibly the one person who is most responsible for baseball basically being forced by Congress to clean this mess up.

    Is he 2-faced? Looks like it to me. Would I trust him if he said he was only doing this to clean up baseball and not to sell books? Probably not.

    But considering the fact that not a single player mentioned in his book has bothered to sue him for libel and slander, and the fact that some of the people mentioned in his book have either left the game (hello Mr. McGwire) and now will never be tested, said they had never done it and then failed tests (Hello Mr. Palmeiro - guess that finger pointing in front of Congresswas a better job of acting then we thought it was) or have openly admitted to using (Hello Mr. Giambi) nobody can possibly say with any certainty that he was lying about anyone.

    Maybe this is just a classic case of someone doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

    EDIT - sorry, but I just read that Justin Timberlake thinks Jose's a jerk, and a liar. And since there is nobody in this country who I trust more when it comes to making moral decisions then him, I change my mind. (I have a bracelet that says WWJD - what would Justin do ?) Strike all of my previous comments.

  11. nobody ever knows who is lying and who is telling the truth in the media.  this is the media fault because they portray stories to increase ratings.  they do not always portray the truth.  honestly, jose is the only one who knows the truth.

  12. Go Jose

  13. so you are basing your whole view of canseco on the fact that he said ARod is a dbag?? everyone in America knew that, but they didnt have to write a book about it to get people to believe them

    if you wanna base canseco's book as factual, how about the allegations he makes about players using performance enhancers..everyone knows those two guys (ARod and Canseco) have had a bad personal relationship

    you cannot try to call everything this man says true because he can state an obvious popular opinion

    and canseco is a dbag himself too..fell off the game, came under pressure about allegations of PES (performance enhancing substances) and he writes a book so that he can maintain a lifestyle without doing much work

    i mean, they let paris hilton write a book, so its not that big of an accomplishment if you are already famous..

    so no idont think hes "the man" i think hes just as big of an *** as he makes ARod out to be

  14. The only thing that Jose has done wrong is broken the code among players.  "What happens in the locker room, stays in the locker room".

    As far as exposing the truth that we all know......whatever his motivation, he seems to have told the truth.

    Bonds is a roid monkey, so was Clemens.  What is more insulting to the fans is that we are expected to believe their cries of innocence.

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