
Everybody poops? You heard right!?

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Why do people think its there place to judge others when were all the same and equal, not one person is better than another!!

If there g*y, L*****n, bi, transgendered, straight, Caucasian, Asian, Black. Not one person is more superior. Yet why is there still judgement?

Everybody poops and these people who judge others don't like to admit it!!




  1. It is all in how people want others to see them and how they see themselves, like your p**p comparison. Everyone does p**p, but how many are really offended by their own smell while others gag?

  2. people should be judged.

    they should be judged on their intelligence and their ability to contribute to society.

    if they lake intelligence they should be judged on their contribution to  society.

  3. Personally, that is exactly how I feel. Everyone poops, toots, sweats, smells bad, gets ill and eventually dies. If people want to fill their lives by stepping on each other then it is more a reflection about them than it is about you.

    Superior strength or superior intellect has got nothing to do with it. One person cannot have everything, so enjoy your advantages and learn to correct the weaker points, and even better, help others overcome their weaker points while you're at it.  

  4. yes i have found that to be true...

  5. Well...most humans judge coz of religion,s*x,caste,wealth etc....

    Everybody IS equal!!..That you know and I know!!

    But not those fools!!

    Actually they know but they just don't realize it!!

    I hate UN-Equality!!

    And I have resolves that when I grow up more I will form an organization or finish un-equality!!

    Specially racial discrimination!!

    And hey you are invited too!!

  6. i poo ;-)  i do my best not to f**t around anyone though ;-)

    since we're metaphorically commenting

  7. Money, Physical Strength, Political Ideals and Religion are all seen as reasons why a person is not 'equal' as another person..

  8. there's no judging anymore. people of the same race just tend to stick together. if u think that people are still racist then your the racist one.

  9.   You are right some people won't admit it but they all do it once a day.

      You are as good as the rest.

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