
Everyday in TX, There's another child abducted; Is the media responsible for giving creeps ideas?

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Everyday in TX, There's another child abducted; Is the media responsible for giving creeps ideas?




  1. No, on this they have it right.  It should be publicized, to alert and warn.  It is not for the pedophiles but the general population.

  2. people are responsible for their own actions, just cuz u c sumthin on tv doesn't mean u go and do it.

  3. What? That doesn't even make any sense what so ever. Pedophilia is made by the media, it's made by the 40 year old creeps that want to have s*x with a small child, how the heck does that involve the media in any way? If anything, the media helps stop it.

  4. in part they are. i always just love it when they they report that they found pipe bombs in some guys basement and then basically go about telling you exactly what books to read or what website to visit to learn to make the same bombs.  

       i don't live in TX but i'll bet they actually manage to give directions on how best to abduct a kid on the 5 o'clock news.

  5. yes. they copy and then get the attention

  6. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am sick and tired of people blaming the media for bad decisions that evil people have made.

    Does no one take responsibility for their own actions any more?

  7. Yup, the media plays a negative role and has influence.

  8. Creeps already have those ideas.  They are caused from overcrowding.  Years ago there were studies done on rats and the ones that lived in overcrowded conditions were more violent and sociopathic.

    The media don't help the problem either.

  9. That is a stupid and dangerous thought. Child abducters, abusers, etc. are evil, I don't think anyone will argue that. They must be exposed in every possible way, awareness must be made AS IN YOUR FACE AS POSSIBLE. It is the only way they will ever be caught and stopped. That is all that matters when a child is abducted: THAT EVERYONE KNOWS, THAT EVERYONE IS LOOKING, IS AWARE, IS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THIS CANCER. Worry later about where it came from.

  10. Stupid is as stupid does. (Credit--Forrest Gump..) Personally; I think the persons responsible for abductions and murders are really not that smart. Perhaps they have indeed been getting ideas from mass media.God help us all....and a tear shed from me for every missing child. It truly breaks my heart.

  11. That is one of my greatest fears. The media inadvertently makes these cretins into headline news.

  12. To some extent they are.

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