
Everyone!!!?? Cats and Dogs??!!!

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I am know people always say get your pet spayed get him neutered!there's way to many cats and dogs getting killed because of over population.well my question is if they want all of us to spay and neuter they should make it cheaper like 10.00 apiece.I can assure more people would get there pets fixed.I mean I have 9 cats and I am not going to pay 900 or more to get them spayed.If I become a vet I am only going to charge cheap for spay and neuter and everything else will be normal priced.There are allot of people that can not afford to do this.I would have ALL my pets fixed if I could afford the vet fee and visit.think about it.Thank you! :) :)




  1. I agree completely. =)

    I hate when people say that stuff.

    And the lady is right, go to a shelter and see.

  2. You have to think about a commitment to the animal before you get one though. If you don't even have the funds to spay or neuter your animal what are you going to do if they get sick? Love them until it goes away? Sorry, things don't work like that.


  3. depending where you are there are services that will help...

    the aspca has mobile clinics that come to different neighborhoods and spay the cats of low income families.. you should really look into this... also some vets volunteer the procedure free of charge... do your research... you can find loop holes and agencies that will help.

    good luck to you and ya 9 babies

  4. talk to your local shelters they usually will have low cost spay/neuter clinics and some places even do it for free.

  5. Believe it or not, surgery is not cheap. Most vets charge so much, because it's an expensive procedure. Like the previous poster said, shelters and humane societies are usually cheaper. Mine does it for $75.

    I agree that more people would be willing to have it done, but vets simply could not afford to charge so little.

    Have you ever thought that maybe 9 cats is too many? I love cats too, but I would never think of having 9 of them unless I had enough money to keep them healthy. It takes a lot more than people think to keep a cat. What if one of your cats gets sick, and then spreads the sickness to some of your other cats?

    I'm not saying that if you can't afford it, don't have pets. But if you can't afford it for 9 cats, then you shouldn't have 9 cats.

    I hope you find a way to get your cats spayed/neutered. If you have males and females especially! I believe it's less expensive to neuter than it is to spay. So what if you just got your males neutered? Then you wouldn't have to worry about pregnancy within your pack of cats. Then maybe a year or so down the road start getting the females spayed. And as always be very careful that your cats do not get outside.  

  6. Animal Shelters often spay or neuter for reasonable rates.

    Start Dialing that number kiddo...

    Good Luck & Have A Great Day

    Willie Tattle?????????

  7. Usually shelters charge less than vets, but whilst it may not be such a financial burden for one, two, maybe three animals, if it's more than that your wallet is sure to get lighter. Surgery is expensive, so is the equipment needed for it. Unfortunately that's the way it is.

  8. Animal shelters either have the animal fixed before it is adopted or have the adopter sign paper work to get it done and set up an appointment. The Human Society in my area offers a discount for getting animals fixed (people can go in and based on their income recieve a discount for a participating vet).

    Plue who do you think is doing these surgeries? Most vet surgeries are spay and neutering and can eat up a large portion of a vet's time. Unless they have city or state assistance it can become very hard to pay the bills if you are only charging $10.  (10 bucks for anethesia, surgery, sutures, and boarding until the owner picks up)

    And you SHOULDN'T have a pet if you can't take care of it. Having a cat constantly pregnant or in heat is almost animal cruelty. If you truly love your animal, you wouldn't put them through that. If you are having that much trouble paying, try and get it done one at a time so it is only $100 a month.

    edit- by not fixing animals they become more prone to cancer- breast, testicular or ovarian.

  9. Where do you live hun? I have friends who have gotten their cats fixed for free. There are some places willing to help owners of low income get their pets fixed at no charge in the state of  Florida, specifically Miami. Try to find out and see where they are located and see if they have people from the same organization in your area. Call them and ask them for reference and info on other groups willing to help you on this. Having 9 cats I can understand where you are coming from, but 9 kitties is way too many to have in the sense that they will procreate in no time. You just gotta leave a female cat and a male cat alone in a place and in less than 6 months you'll be able to see more than 1000 cats. This is statistics, not a lie. Take care hun, and don't forget the phone call whenever you get a chance.

    Good Luck.

  10. If you can't afford it, don't have a pet.

    I know you said I wasn't supposed to say that, but I did anyway, because it needs to be said. It is certainly not "plain dumb" - it's pure common sense. It is not a vet's responsibility to make their services cheap. It's our responsibility as owners to have the money to properly care for our animals. That includes feeding and loving them, but it also includes medical procedures.

    You have no excuse. I would bet anything that your local shelter has low-cost altering available. Some shelters will do it for $25 on certain days of the month or year. Call around and I bet you'll be surprised at just how cheaply you can have it done. Also, many vets are happy to work out a payment plan so you don't have to pay a lot at once. There are also vouchers you can get for inexpensive spay/neuters that most vets/shelters will accept, here for instance:

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