
Everyone Read this to be saved Please?

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Please read: I am trying to get this word out. I am not a church goer But I believe in god and Jesus Christ. Scientist have tried to prove the Bible wrong many times, and many of them have became Christian because of it! lol. The Bible has never been proven wrong, everything it has said has happened, has. And everything it has said will happen has. It is a historical fact. I am not testing the word of God by trying to save people who were not meant to be saved or that he knows won't. I am only trying to help. And hopefully this little verse from the Bible does.

Romans 10:9,10 "...If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." just believe and except that Jesus is real, anddied for your sinsandbesaved




  1. ok . i read it . bye  woohoo 2 pts

  2. Your desire to save others is commendable.

  3. Amen!  I appreciate your words!!

    Keep reading the Bible, keep praying, keep worshiping with others.... Let your light shine brightly!

    god bless

  4. i can see how you're try to help people i guess but it really annoys me when people go on about their religion.  however, if an atheist (like me) were to go to a christian and tell them they're wrong, that'd be "wrong" -_-

  5. god help thse who believe in him

    but only believing in god is not enough until and unless we are good

    serve homanity to worship god-this is what i always tell others and myself also try to follow it to some extent


  6. Well, it's news to me that some people are not meant to be saved as you have stated in your third last line of the first paragraph.

    Romans 10 does not mention that it will be a useless exercise in faith for some poor unfortunates. Which of you is right?

  7. it's really touching on how you wanted the world to know about God.... it's a hard work but.. with god's help you can! 'philippians 4:13 i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'..... and yes you are right about the '..If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.' but.... you must also do so with your heart and soul not only your mouth..... keep the faith and live the faith! that's what you should do too! :)


    15 :)

  8. Umm...No thanks!

    I believe in God, I believe Jesus existed and was a wonderful man....but...that's about it.

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