
Everyone Thinks I'm quiet....?

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everyone thinks I'm quiet and I'm not! Everyone at my school thinks I'm like a goodie goodie two shoes. And whenever I act like myself or say something like "shut up" they say "Wow I didn't know you could talk like that!" And they aren't teasing. THEY ARE SERIOUS!!! It drives me nuts. I start school again this Wednesday, do you have any idea how I can make them know me?! I NEED HELP!!!!!




  1. Don't be afraid to blurt out stuff.

    Also, join some activities or take some classes where you'll wind up talking a lot (like drama club--it's fun to be a dork!)

    I used to hate being thought of as shy or extra-good (I admit, it took going to college to bring out the naughty side in me) but it's kind of an ace up your sleeve.  People can have a lot of fun "debauching" you (and you don't have to tell them that they really aren't.)

    People love thinking that they're bringing out the sass in you, that they're helping you get tough, develop a backbone, express yourself.  So go along with it.  It's good for you and them.

  2. Maybe they know you, better than you yourself do.....I mean, sometimes we feel as people, we need to put on these false attitudes, or try to act tough...when deep down, we are not really that way.

    Not trying to upset you or anything, but thats also something that i have noticed through life !

  3. You can learn something from this. If everyone thinks of you in a certain way: a goody two shoes, in your case (and, believe me, there are worse things), this then is clearly the impression you give to people. Haven't you ever wondered why people see you this way? How are you behaving to give them this impression? We are only known through how we act in the world. Change your behavior, change their minds.

  4. Not much can you do.  I have the same thing happen to me and it is really strange to me that people have that perception of me as being quiet and are shocked if I say something like "shut up".  I guess it is just how people see you and really there isn't anything you can do about it.  Just be yourself and the longer they know you the more they will realize that is is not out of character for you to say things like that.  I really wouldn't worry about it or let it bother you.

  5. u need to make alot of friends  and talk!  about anything   and be self confindent   i was the funniest person  my friends kne   they said   lol  

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