
Everyone answer this question?

by  |  earlier

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ok i was on the inter net and i found this thing i already knew existed its called an r.f.i.d chip they out them in animals and in the packaging for food now there getting them into humans only there not the same they don't just monitor where you are they literally know every move you make everything you do some businesses are making you have them installed to work there this is scarring me because there's a hidden function that nobody knows about the person who's monitoring you could shock or burn you if you do something they find unacceptable like if i get he chip(which i will NEVER do) and they get a health nut to monitor me and i eat pizza and they dont like it they can physical hurt me were the chip is installed(either hand or arm) you cant get the chip it may sound cool and futuristic but its an invasion of privacy and it contradicts our right say so to the chip in the words of benjamin franklin "those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither!"




  1. i couldnt be bothered reading it all because the first 2 lines were just so boring. maybe i could tape someone reading it and use it as a bedtime tape.

    EDIT: i dont think you crazy i just thought it was boring and didnt undestand it.

  2. Well  I'll  be  danged!!!   Hey  dude,  you're  right !  Go  to:


  3. I don't think they have the ability to shock you through it.

    Personally, I would just refuse to go somewhere where I needed to be microchipped.

    I suspect your doctor wants to give you one so that your medical information is available in an emergency situation.

    It is highly unlikely that this will ever become mandatory. If the evangelicals on the right are against it because they think it is the mark of the beast and the privacy advocates on the left are against it, it would be political suicide for anyone to support mandating it.

  4. Sounds like a cross between science fiction and a conspiracy theory.

  5. Stop it you lunatic !


  6. big brother is getting under my skin.

  7. Ok it took a few reads to get the gist of what you were saying, but I agree do not get microchipped either. Big Brother is watching enough without giving them some assistance.

    It is the beginning of the end....whether you are religious or not, we all know about the mark of the beast at the end times.

    Not to say the world will end tomorrow, but the chip will have to have the whole of the worl'ds population interested in having it, and that will take years, especially when you and I and others refuse.

  8. I dont get it.

  9. no!

  10. The point about punctuation is that is helps to understand the question, makes it snappier, and brings it to the point.  If you don't use punctuation, we can't understand your question.  What is your question????

  11. "He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666" (Rev. 13:16-18).

    i don't think you crazy, it's in the bible,  will you receive the mark?

    if it became mandatory they would have to kill me

  12. you feel ok?  

  13. I've seen this info a while back.In America you'll find rice size tracking devices  in passports,if you pull the front cover (leather side) back you'll find there's a chip installed.Everything you do these days is being monitored...something we all have to get used to thanks to Terrorists n the like!

  14. ....i offer to help his spelling

    ...somebody else get the grammer....soon

    ....this man will be speaking fluent English

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