
Everyone at school is talking about me?

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i go to school 2/5 days for two hours. im 16 and pregnant and EVERYONE is talking. everyone. and its really upsetting me, why cant people stop and leave me alone...... when i say its none of their bus. they tell people i said yes and if i do say yes, they go on with more questions and i cant take it. when will people stop. whats something good to say to make them really stop talking about me!!!




  1. Haven't you heard of SAFE s*x???? Condoms????? Birth Control?????

  2. fxxk everyone else!!

    having a baby is a beautiful thing.

    those people talk about other people anyway...dont let them get to you.

  3. people will talk just let them there is nothing you can do just focus on yourself and that baby and i had my first at 18 and that baby is my life no matter what people said.

    and don't listen to these rude people cuz you made a bad choice but its not the end of the world and trust me you aren't the 1st nor the last 16 year old 2 have s*x or get pregnant and as far as a condom goes i got pregnant and we used one it isn't full proof even if you use them right so don't let anyone make you feel worse than I'm sure you are making yourself feel already and good luck!!!! congrats and enjoy that baby they are a joy and the love you will have for it will take away any pain you go through during your pregnancy it will get better

  4. I am truly sorry people are talking about you, try to ignore them but I know that is difficult.  High school years are the toughest, I am in college right now.  If you know you are a good person, don't let the lies people say ruin your life.  I hope this helps.

  5. See kids this is what happens when you dont use a condom

  6. Girl just hold your chin up!! At least you have the guts to keep going to school!! Just wait until that baby comes, you wont care what the h**l people say!! Besides I'm sure they'll get bored and move on to someone else!! That' s the way a******s are!!

  7. your probably a sophomore or a junior so at worst you have two more years, get a new fresh start in college or at a job.

  8. I don't know what you can say to them.  But I'm sure most of them have no room to talk.  Not that its a good thing but most kids your age are having s*x.  They just haven't gotten pregnant yet.  So they aren't any better than you.  Protected or not they can get pregnant.  Its weird how these kids think its cool to have s*x, but the minute someone gets pregnant they act like they are acting with you.  They are just immature.  If they were mature they would feel for you having a baby at such a young age.

  9. I am sorry they are putting this extra strain on you. I am also sorry to say that they are unlikely to stop. It is a teenage thing to do, to gossip etc. and when they are asking you the questions it is unlikely they realise how it makes you feel.

    Try to to focus on it (easier said than done I know), just take care of yourself and the baby. I hope you have someone supportive to go home to, or good friends so when it gets to much you can vent your emotions or have a shoulder to cry on.

    Good luck honey.

  10. I think you are going to just have to strengthen your sense of self worth and well being and put up with it.  It will be a huge learning experience.

    It is a never ending battle for someone to be putting up with social stigma and public judgement.

    Like the moron who posted first - it is easy to pick you out of the crowd and persecute you for your percieved mistake.

    The thing with Pregnancy is it is a very visible condition which makes people think they have the right to comment on it (no matter what age you are) and even touch you, etc...

    You will grow up very quickly having a baby at 16.

    Whether or not this was a "mistake", it is one you cannot hide.  And the sad thing is you and I both know most girls at 16 are having s*x, but you've been called out physically on it.  They could all be in the same situation.

    Just remind them they're next and that Karma is a *****.

    Plus all your fertility hormones and pheremones will make them more fertile so they should stay away from you.

  11. school should be almost over for you and you will just have to grin and bear it and there is nothing that wont stop them from talking about you Im afraid ignore it and go on with your life

  12. thats high school...and life. your just gonna have to get by. people will hopefully stop next year and youll start fresh when you go to college

  13. Honestly you can't expect people not to talk and stare. The best thing you can do is answer their questions, and if you hear them saying something stop and say, "Are there any questions you want to ask me about my pregnancy!?" They will be shocked that you confronted them and probably back off.

  14. Its only because I guess its not normal to see a pregnant sixteen year old. And when you have to go to school like that its just natural that people will stare and say things. You cant stop that,

    but just think once your out of high school you will never see most of  those people ever again so they don't matter.

    As long as you have friends and family to support you it will be okay. There was a pregnant girl at my school last year and everyone did the same thing. Then she came back to school this year and everyone forgot about it! :]

  15. aw darling. it will be alright. I suggest glaring them down and then in the most manly voice go "i was raped. you'll be next if you ask"

    and see what happens. the horror on their faces will make them go away. and it'll get you a good laugh. pretend you didn't hear them if they keep asking. and don't let it bother you. they're going to end up working at walmart anyways. ;)

  16. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to make people stop talking about you, some people just have a natural tendency to be mean and gossip. And Im sorry to say that it doesn't get any better with age--I work in an office of 30 somthings and someday's I swear its a high school! lol. The best thing you can do is just keep your head up and ignore it. A good question to ask when someone asks you about it is "why do you want to know".  Most likely they cant come up with a better answer other than "just wondering" so then you can say, "well that's not a good enough reason for me to share my personal info with you.". Like I said, it wont make them stop but it might shut them up for awhile!

    But why are you only going to school for 2 hours? It's even more important to get your education now for your baby's sake.

  17. Im sorry people are talking about you

    the best thing to try to do is ignore them and pretend it doesnt bother you, well it shouldnt anyways.

    --but i know it does :(

    just tell them to stop and that they should put themselves in your shoes!

    good luck and im sure the babys going to be adorable!

    and i agree with someone above, stop bashing the girl she doesnt deserve to be treated this way. treat her as you would like to be treated.

  18. I will tell you this: I can almost certainly guarantee that a TON of the popular girls will end up knocked up no more than 2 years out of high school.

    Just ignore them- before you know it, your little bambino will be here, and everything that you think is important now will seem incredibly insignificant compared to your kiddo. Trust me!

    Good luck to you! It will be alright!

    and s***w all you rude people on here--- you evil, nasty, self-righteous people.

    Oh, and if you want something to SAY to them...... tell a few mouthy people it's just a giant tumor, and then everyone will be all confused : )

  19. there not going to stop ur just going to have to get used to it we had like 4 pregnant girls in our school this year but they didn't get talked about much because our school is a very friendly enviroment

    just remember u did put this on urself

    ironically this isn't the first 16 year old pregnant question 2nite

  20. Just remember that you are your own person living your own life. They have no right to judge.

    "I hardly see how that is any of your business." It is a great generic answer.

    Edit: For goodness sake people, she asked for help, not to be insulted. She already is pregnant, being rude to her isn't going to change the fact.

  21. i give you so much credit. You did the right thing and i know its hard when everyone is talking about you like that , so just hold your head up and tell everyone to mind there own d**n business cause its not that big of a deal

  22. People are always going to talk. I'd be more worried trying to salvage the rest of your now screwed up life.

    Let me guess, the daddy's in his 20s and not going to college, living with his mom? Get all the money you can from him because he won't be around much longer.

    And for God's sake, keep your kid out of church!

    Best of luck.

  23. i agree with the first answer.. keep your d**n legs closed.....

  24. I can relate to what you dealt with I was 18 and in my last year of grade 12.  I think it is in no ones place to judge you and certainly no one's place to be ignorant in their answers.  I can however, say that the best way to resolve any feelings you have at school is to talk with a counsellor or get involved in any groups that assist with young mothers.  Kids are talking because they are curious and you shouldn't let it get to you.  If you ignore it (and it is hard) it will eventually wear off.  Do you have any support from family??  My school was very supportive and I even got credits for going to a parenting class, I got to right at home exams after the baby and even graduated that same year.  Don't let anyone ever make you feel you need to be ashamed.  Yes, it was a mistake and yes it won't be easy but you learn to accept these changes.  Find some good resources in the Community that can assist you so that you don't feel tied down and still get the opportunity to grow yourself!!  If you ever want someone to talk to feel free to contact me.  Good Luck, and keep your chin up...believe in yourself is the best prosperity!

  25. dont listen to them?! they wouldnt have the balls to keep a child..*******!

  26. lauren is a ***** who cant get any, and tell those peope to **** off and get a life. their just talkin because they have no life, and want something to pick at.

    w8t till half of them girls end up bien with the wrong guy then theyll know how it feels to be talked about

  27. Well school's almost over, right? I'm sure you've heard from enough people what a dumb or stupid mistake you made - so I'd rather encourage you to take the high road and try to ignore it. That's so much easier said than done, but none of them have any idea what you're going through. But please!! Don't quit school if you can help it. Being a teen mom without a diploma will not help you at all!! Best of luck.

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