
Everyone at school keeps asking me what I got for a grade...?

by  |  earlier

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I mean, I always get pretty good grades, but it's annoying after a while when people keep asking me what I got. How do I tell them to stop nicely?




  1. Just tell them you passed.

  2. I have the EXACT same problem!!! I just say "I failed." Even though I always get at least a B. I get sick of it too. But a lot of people have stopped because I say I failed and put my papers away where they can't be seen. But occasionally I still get asked that. I hope this helps and good luck!!!

  3. You could ask them this question.."why do you ask"??  They may reveal their real motive...which is playing the comparison game (my truck is bigger than this case.."grades" are equivalent to the truck)  This is just one of those games that people play.  Finally, it IS OK to say that, like your paycheck, your grades are private.

  4. That's a pretty dumb thing to get sick of. It's neither an insult nor a command.

  5. my grades are fine, thanks for asking

  6. just say that you aren't happy with it and that you can do better

  7. Just say my grades are really personal...that's it...plain and simple.

  8. ..seriously...

    do you mean people all in a row on the same grade or over like the whole school year

    maybe u should just be greatful u r getting good grades

    if i dont want to answer a question sometimes i just go silent (lately) and if they keep looking at me in silence themselves i will go on with the answer even if i think they dont want to hear the answer..

    its just like 'why would they want to know that'?

    but if i can see that they are legitimately interested then i will tell them. their fault, they asked(!!)

  9. say what did you get

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