
Everyone at school thinks im stuffing my bra please i need 2 convince them im not im just "big chested"

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Boys i need your ansers too because i need ur thoughts. Dont b a sexist and not anser this cuz u'll feel weird. HELP ME OUT!




  1. Seems you have two options. Either:

    i) strip off and invite your detractors to check for themselves


    ii) toughen up a bit and ask yourself why on earth you're allowing yourself to care whether other people think you're stuffing things down your bra or not

  2. Don't worry what they think.  In time, as the people you go to school with mature, these things stop being such an issue.

    Also, this is the homeschooling section, in case you didn't notice.

  3. I hardly think this is a homeschooling question!!!!!!

  4. I can't say for sure but I think the girls are maybe just jealous, but the boys I think want to see them.  In our primitive animal like minds, seeing is believing so they want to see.  And the way to see is to say something like you're stuffing your bra.  Personally I would just ignore them.  Think of it this way, you are being noticed, and you know the truth.  I know most boys mature slower than girls and only think of themselves and not your feelings that might be hurt.  Sadly I think in most men that attitude doesn't change as they grow up either....

  5. ^^' besides actually SHOWING them, I don't think there's much you can say. Just don't get worked up, have a smart and witty comeback, and eventually they'll get tired of it. Worked for me.

  6. Really now, who cares what the other kids think? If you're not stuffing you're bra, you're not. If they don't believe you, they don't. Is it really that big of a deal? Who cares?

  7. Unless your gonna flash them theres nothing you can do. Why do you care what they think anyway

  8. They're just jealous and they have to say that to make themselves feel good. Ignore them and walk away. Why do you need to convince them of anything!

  9. Don't you get dressed undressed in the locker room for gym class?

  10. Wear I tight shirt with no Bra is an answer not that you should do that.

  11. You have tapped a wrong section.

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