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if you were driving like 60-70 miles per hour on a busy freeway/highway BEHIND A TRuck, and it suddenly drops a matress, or some object directly on your path, on your lane, what would U do? I can think of only 3 options, and I want to know what U would do. Just tell me (1)! thing you would do and why. (realistically, you have like under 5 seconds to decide what to do in such a realistic scenario, and realistically, U end up doing only 1 thing. Please, tell me what U whould do, and why U chose to do this. THanks!!




  1. Hello love. I would pray that there is no one in the lane I was about to swerve into. Blessings to you      Zaria

  2. look for the biggest opening and hit he GAS as hard as you can

  3. five seconds is enough time to look left right and back if the car behind is too close and left and right lanes blocked hit the mattress and try to controll the car why I would do this because I will not endanger the lives of other motorists by swerving on to them and cause more accidents on the freeway

  4. wel, trucks are usually in the far right 2 lanes, so if this happened and i was in the farthest right lane, then i would probably swerve to the right and hope that i dont hit anything.

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