
Everyone carps about what government shouldn't do...what exactly do you expect from them?

by  |  earlier

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I see a lot of people complaining about the government doing things they shouldn't do so I have to ask what you think they are required to do.

And when you answer, please tell me how you think they're doing as far as their responsibilities are concerned.




  1. I expect the U.S. government to do everything in its power to do the most damage to this country that it can.  I want them to leave me alone.

  2. This country was built on the concept of Capitalism/Free Enterpise. People expect the goverment to protect jobs, ie keep jobs from moving overseas. Business expect the goverment to protect their interests as well. The goverment should be "By the people, for the people"

  3. Why not pass around a mirror for them too.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  4. They are instructed to PROVIDE national defense and PROMOTE general welfare by the constitution.  That is what I would like them to do.

    In other words, provide our military, and promote our general welfare by making our society conducive to individuals living a free and prosperous life (ie. leaving us alone)

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