
Everyone hates me? You dont have to answer it really doesnt matter?

by Guest62715  |  earlier

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As you guys can tell by the title i feel like everyone hates me. It just seems like no one cares about me, I do have friends but sometimes it just seems like they are just acting like there my friends[except for three]9but one of them died last year.]. My family at times seems like they like me but most of the time it seems like they dont at all! They always yell at me or when I talk to them and ask them questions they ignore me or they're just like "ok" like they dont care what I have to say. I cry a lot about all of this. I usually think about it at night but right now im crying about it because my mom got mad at me a little bit ago. I just feel like everyone hates me and doesnt care. I just feel like a problem to everyone. I just dont know what to do anymore. I ve been feeling like this the past year probably. Sometimes I just feel like running away because its not like anyone would run after me to find me it seems like.

And im only 13 almost 14 going into the 8th grade.




  1. i went through the same phase but i learned that you just got to enjoy life and be grateful for what your have. appreciate all of them because once they are gone you suddenly realize what you missed out on.  

  2. seems like you're going through a fit of depression. you're just paranoid about no one liking you. sometimes i feel like no one cares, but that's just because i go to a sped school (they don't know any better, but i do). if i were your friend, I'd totally care about you. but i'm not, so seek solace in your true friends for now

  3. Okay, I'll tell you right off the bat.  I have a 13 year old girl who is having a lot of anxiety.  Are your parents together? or separated?  Where do you think about running away to?

    Answer those questions before reading on (in your head)...

    Now, my daughter is going to counseling right now for her feelings because her dad and I don't get along.  She was getting yelled at by her s-mom but I put a stop to that - it took going to court though.

    Everyone doesn't hate you.  I promise!!!  I also went through these feelings that you are describing too.  I finally got to a place in my life though where I realized that it really doesn't matter if they like me or not.  What's important is that I like myself.  Once I felt like I liked myself... I would later have a conversation with someone and they would call me later on to talk about something else, then I realized - WOW they really like me.  I think it was because I started liking myself that I finally allowed myself to realize that other people like me too.  Because, if I don't like myself, how could anyone else like me?  Why would they.

    There is no place like home, unless home is completely unbearable.  If someone is hitting you (which it doesn't sound like) or doing other unspeakable things I would stay at home and try to work it out.

    Sit down with Mom and tell her how you are feeling.  If she starts to blow you off.... say, seriously Mom, I love you, and I'm not saying that I would do this, but I have feelings of wanting to run away because I can't stand people - at school and at home - not liking me.  Or the feeling that they don't like me whether they do or not.  Be serious.  If you don't get a response out of her, or some kind of action, then talk to the school counselor.  They won't get the state involved if there isn't any obvious abuse going on.  If you don't want to do it during school hours then maybe you can have an email thing going on with the counselor or something.  I'm kinda grasping here but I want you to be able to talk about it.  Talking helps.  Take care hun!  and don't ignore this.  Much love!!!!

  4. hii im 14 i know what it likes to think that nobody likes you. I went through terrible depression. I was bullied and harrassed at school. I hated life so much. Now im not trying to convert you or anything, but my life changed so much when i accepted Jesus into my heart. I still get lonely sometimes but it doesn't matter. Because i know im loved.

    My parents were like that too. But when i look back now i see that i use to make them so stressed and upset and angry because i would do was mope around the house all day, and cry for hours on end.

    When i accepted Christ, i found the most awesome friends. And you know what there all at least 3 yrs older. So what im saying is you may have maturity beyond your age. You might want to talk about more than who the hottest guy in school is. Try interatcting with the grade above you and see how that goes, but im not promising anything.

    You seem like a lovely girl with a whole heep of patentual. It'll take time but i know that you'll find some friends that will truely make you feel wanted and loved. I though i never would but know i have and life has never been better for me.

    If you like you can email me at

    good luck and god bless

    i hope you're feeling happier soon

  5. well, so far you seem to have a lot of friends right here that care about you.  add me to the list.  after reading all the answers you have gotten, it looks like you have offers of caring and wonderful people here of all ages.  I'm fairly sure that 98% of any particualr group will tell you that they have faced the same kind of feelings you are having right now.  we are all here to help each other, and one of the beautiful 'side effects' of talking and asking questions here is everyone accepts you for who you really are.  If you can't take this problem to your parent(s), you can always find a crisis line in your phone book if it gets too much for you to handle.  You dont have to take it from me..just look at all the friend you just made here that want you to be happy and safe.  

  6. I felt like this for about a year too, it was horribl eso i sympatheize with you. However, dont give up and run away! Stick to it and it will stop. You'r at the age where your feeling are all confused and mixed up but when it calms down you'rll be relieved and everything will be back to normal again.

    You might feel like you're the only one who's as bad as you, but you're not, honest. I figured that out when I grew up a bit more =)

    Good luck anyway  

  7. Im going into 8th grade too.

    I know exactly how you feel

    and never feel like your alone

    But we all bleed the same way as you do

    And we all have the same things to go through

    Im so sorry about you loss

    I always get yelled at too

    for stupid things

    i really hate it

    just please dont run away

    it doesnt make anything better

    trust me

    if you need someone to talk to

    please feel free to email me

    or add me if you have myspace

    good luck

    and your not alone =]

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