
Everyone in martial gotta see this?

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what do you think about this guy.................




  1. It looked pretty cool,but he shouldn't of knocked the guy out.And I think the guy above me might be right,that it was staged.But still,it was really cool.

  2. h**l no hes a ******* idiot that watches to many kung fu movies

    look at the end how his punches go wild and get one lucky hit that knocked out the cholo

  3. pretty crappy. Neither knew how to fight.

    Props to them both for manning up and settling it. I just wish they were thinking about fighting well instead of being idiots.

  4. my opinion is mixed. yes he could have walked. but some times the best thing is to put the bully in his place. personally I think the kid that won does not need any work, like every one else said. he defended him self. what more did he need to do. I bet no one tried to fight him again. he cut some good angles and hit the attacker. what more did he need to do. on second thought I am not conflicted. he did the right thing. he did not start the punches, he did not let him get out to easy but he did not start it

  5. He was wrong !!!

    He could have and should have walked away seems like he was on a bit of an ego trip there.

    Just my humble opinion.

    Best wishes :)***

  6. .....he was windmilling his arms like an idiot.... and the other guy is a pansy, one punch and he's down.... why is he so rigid in his stance, it's a very bad fighting stance, too low, I think I've seen this video before.... I don't think the guy is a martial artist, he's more of an amateur.... and the other guy is not much of a 'gangster' either.... both are cowards, just one is more pathetic than the other.....

  7. This is fake.  No one who takes Kung Fu lessons tries classical Kung Fu fighting stances in a real fight.  

    Also, when he first goes into the stance, it's a good stance (for forms), but as he approaches, his stance gets worse.

    Then, after the opponent decides to try boxing on him, watch their distance, they get closer and closer.  Too close without engaging.  

    That means it's choreographed.  Also, the way the opponent punched was conducive to the "making him miss" technique he used to deliver the KO punch.  

    Sorry, this was a choreographed fight.


  8. He should have walked away. He could have walked away. The other guy would have left without a concussion.

    edit- James I hate to break it to ya but if you look at the way the kid goes down when he's hit. It's a classic KO fall. His body does the board maneuver and his head hits the ground with his body not protecting it in any way. Although, I will agree with you, the kung fu kid needs some work, but it's an old video.

  9. JAMES not everything is fake as you seem to think.It could have been rehearsed but who cares point is he should have walked if it wasn't.

    The stance was bogus I agree but the other guys heart wasn't really in it a typical mouth warrior who should have kept his mouth shut.

  10. "right" and "wrong" have various and conflicting interpretations...  but here's mine.

    1.)  Was the guy in red being forced to fight to defend his life/person/loved ones or simply his pride?  If it was the former, acting was the right thing, if it was to protect his own ego, it wasn't right.

    That's all there is to be said.

    2.)  Was the guy in red acting in a tactically and strategically effective manor?  I don't think so.

    Rather, he was trying to use the "let me take my shoes off as I no Karate and am going to kick your ***." method of establishing dominance.

    It didn't seem to work and was considered a joke by everyone else.  Poor play to advertise what you are or think you are capable of doing - let the other person puff their chest so to speak.

    3.)  The guy in red won the fight.  I agree with an earlier poster about the stiff body KO.  His opponent went stiff and didn't protect himself when falling.  To do so is a reflex action and the failure to do so indicates a knock out.

    4.)  It looks, from the vid, to have been a lucky punch.  After the 'show off my forms' part, things deteriorated to animal swinging for a few seconds before the last blow.

    Its not wise to rely on a luck punch, to hope one will happen or to assume that said luck punch wa due to skill.

    My guess is the guy in red thinks his training has worked and that he is bad-***.  Perhaps he is and the fight was just ugly.  Only those two really know for sure and even then, their is bias.

    Its never as beautiful in real life as it is on the mat, but still, that didn't look like training adjusted for reality that delivered the KO, but gross motor skills.

  11. I'm very inclined to agree with those who said that this could easily have been avoided. But then again, considering how (inner city) youth do things nowadays, settling something with a fistfight is almost admirable compared to the alternatives.  

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