
Everyone in my high school is a slave to their parents beliefs. Help?

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Does anyone know how I can turn some of them into free thinkers? Whenever I walk down the hallway with my Obama pin on my shirt I always hear "Obama's a f*g!". Their parents have indoctrinated them with the core beliefs, but nothing to back it up with. I wouldn't mind so much if they could tell me why the think that. Help?




  1. I can't help you. But all I can say is just to ignore them. They are ignorant self-indulged pricks with self-indulged pricks of parents.

  2. ...They just follow the herd...Like a bunch of farm animals...

  3. Maybe they just don't like him on their own, did you think of that? Just because they don't agree with you, that doesn't mean anyone's "indoctrinated" them. They can be free thinkers and not agree with you.

  4. Honestly, I too don't understand. As a high school Obama supporter, I totally get where you're coming from. There really isn't much you CAN do, and often their parents influences stay with them for life. Just hope they wise up in college, where it pays to be a free thinker. Or they get a really really good Government teacher...

    Obama '08!

  5. Let me guess, you bought into "Change we Can Believe In". If you are young and have big plans for the future then you will be a Republican. Any young person that supports Obama is afraid to go into the real world and wants something, like the government to fall back on if they fail

  6. Obama is not a ******, but he certainly is not the candidate of change or anything remotely close to anything the U.S. needs at the moment.

    he is more the candidate of I'm going to make all middle class people, POOR PEOPLE WITH FREE HEALTHCARE, that they will never get!


    and I am sure your parents did the same with indoctrinating their beliefs into you.

    and me personally, I looked at the facts and became a conservative, I didn't get indoctrinated by my parents THANK YOU VERY MUCH.

  7. It's not that you are superficial, but you sure are not very deep.  I will agree with you that I have seen no evidence that Obama is a homosexual, but I find it difficult to believe that every parent that has a child in your school told their child that Obama is q***r.

    Maybe they are just sending you a message?  Look inside yourself, do you like boys?  Do you dream of being trapped with the football team in the shower?  BE A FREE THINKER.

    I have not seen anything in this post to conclude you are some kind of free thinker...

    Kurt Russell who played Snake Pliskin is a republican.

  8. You are smarter than they are, their parents have obviously been brainwashed to think that staying in a war because they are afraid of what "might" happen is the "moral" thing to do....

  9. Republicans demand their children be Republicans. I was this way for most of my life.

  10. So who indoctrinated you?

  11. If I knew that ......... well.......... It's knowledge.  Knowledge of why they hate and fear.  When it comes to whites hating and fearing black in America.  Many whites do not understand that their parents said those things bad about black ppl because they actually would get in trouble, not get jobs and get demoted if they treated blacks nice.  If they were found teaching them how to read & write they got in trouble.  If a white man dated a black woman he would be punished of course not like a black man.  That is another story.  They couldn't tell their child that well blacks are second class citizens because when they would many of the children would see the nonsense in it and they of course went against traditional ways and helped started to change the course of America and the parents were fearful that their children would get treated badly and their lifestlye would be made a living h**l.

    The whites loved their children and they did not want to see their children in a hardship so they told buggyman stories, pointed out things and many times allowed a black man to go to jail to prove a point that they are a this and a that.

  12. When you say free thinkers like you and Barry is that code for Crack smokers?

  13. Tough it out or move to a more Liberal town.  Word of advice: some people never learn, especially cons.

  14. Well, usually the majority of people in high school are liberals, it is that way here. When my friends and I get in political talks I am always one of the few McCain supporters.

    But my situation is different, at least I can present some facts to them :D

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