
Everyone is always talking about how very bad illegal immigration is?

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I think it's kind of funny because I'm always hearing some racist idiot on the news saying all the immigrants should go back to their own country, but if people stop and think for a second the only people that actually have a right to be here, if your thinking that way are native americans




  1. That is true.  The only qualms I have with illegal immigration are, how we have to learn Spanish instead of them learning English(signs, job applications, menu's,  phone services and even American schools are becoming bilingual the least they could do is learn English), the negative impact on social services(how they take from social services[free healthcare, free school, social security payments]without putting in on it[having taxable wages, paying taxes]) and the crimes they commit (murder, drunk driving[resulting in deaths]).  Thats not to say that Americans don't commit such atrocities themselves at all.  There would be less crime without illegal immigrants, that is a fact.

  2. Report / Deport.

    Those that do not have a legal right to be here are criminal illegal alien invaders and need to go back to their own country to apply to come back legally.

    They are unwanted and unneeded.  Let them take their own country back and strive for betterment there.

  3. You are quite right and what the other idiots who have answered fail to realise is that many of the native inhabitants thought that all the immigration in the first place was illegal.

  4. I guess you have never been hit by an illegal who of course has no insurance.  Then the police get there.  They charge him and take him to the jail where he is release three days later because ICE will not do nothing with him.  Then your out with a damaged vehicle that you cannot get an insurance company to pay for, except your own that will raise your rates by and extra $50 a month.

  5. I don't have a problem with immigration, as long as its legal. Do it the right way, or go back home.

    We need to know who's here, we want you to follow the same rules we have to follow and pay the same consequences we pay when we don't follow the rules. And if you want to live here in America then you do need to pay taxes.  And learn to speak English, cause I don't plan on learning Spanish or making my children learn it. I was born here and they were born here and we will speak English. I wouldn't expect to go to Mexico and make you all learn English, so please don't come here and expect us to learn Spanish.

    That's all,


  6. You are all screwed up. The "racist idiot" as you call him is complaining about ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. Legal immigrants are what made up the US. You need to pay more attention to what is said and what is going on.

  7. Illegal immigration is bad and the whole native American thing doesn't wash. There were no laws,matter of fact,there was no country until the Europeans came and created it.  

  8. I hate it when the deliberate distortion between "legal" and "illegal" immigration is made, as it seems that you are doing. I have no issue with those that come into this country through legal channels, and become tax-paying citizens of this great land.

    What I have problem with, are those who come to this country illegally, and who mooch off of the system, without ever, ever paying taxes. They refuse to learn the language - earlier immigrants took that important step, why should more recent immigrants blow off that step?

    Come here legally, and we will welcome you - but skirt the law, and game the system, then please leave. I also think the sanctuary cities need to stop supporting such illegal activities. Those places should lose their federal dollars as well.

  9. "Legal immigrants are what made up the U.S." What bullcrap is that? Are you saying it was legal to come over here on ships and KILL off Indians to STEAL their land from them?????? And look at the poor Indians now!!! They live here like a MINORITY because their land was STOLEN from them, whether immigration laws existed back then or not, MORALS still existed!

  10. Someone asked what we think of when I hear The

    United States Of America.  I said Press 1 for

    English. I don't care what language people speak

    in their homes but I think they should learn English.

    I have a problem with Illegal immigrants, not Legal

    ones.  My husband's family came over from Croatia

    Legally and learned English.  I have friends from

    Austria that came here Legally and learned English.

    No problem.

    Tony- Don't be so sure about not being forced

    to speak Spanish, it may happen.  Wasn't

    Obama making a speech about your children

    should learn Spanish?  Oh, in another post

    you said you all stick up for the illegals.  I

    know some Spanish legals who do not, they

    said the illegals make them look bad and

    they speak English.

    Nic- I know where you're coming from about being hit by an illegal with no insurance.

  11. You flip your terms during your question. Yes, all ILLEGAL immigrants should be deported and made to come back the correct way. It's called the "hard" right over the "easy" wrong. No one doubts anything about native americans, but illegal immigration leads to a bigger problem than social services. It has an impact on national security. If 12 million (estimated) can slip into and live here, how many people who want to do harm on this country can do the same?

  12. They all just watch too much of the one-sided media. It's funny when you hear a story about an illegal immigrant, they have to make sure you know it was an illegal immigrant. I'm surprised they don't put the words illegal immigrant in neon letters........d**n! did I just give them another idea?, but when it's a white male committing a crime, they'll just say "A MAN was arrested for blah blah blah".........hmmmmmm! I wonder why?

    OH! the funniest is like the answer above where they say that we have to learn Spanish! NO YOU DON'T! and nobody is forcing you to. You don't like them, so you'll never talk to them, so don't worry about it.....that simple.

  13. illegal aliens are criminals breaking our immigration laws.

    What year are you living in 2008 or 1620. "if your not Native American, your immigrant" That card isn't going to fly!!!

    I WAS BORN HERE . i have a right to be here. (My family was here before The American Revolution)

    Indians now call "Native Americans" didn't have immigration laws back then.

  14. This is the year 2008. Every country has the right to have immigration laws and the necessity of securing its borders. Deal with it.

    An illegal criminal alien is NOT a it's wrong to label those opposed to it (people that merely want the law enforced) as "racists".


    "Native Americans" immigrated here as well...they were not "always here". There were no immigration laws then. There are now. Deal with it.

  15. Your logic is flawed. Immigrants who follow our laws are called LEGAL. Those who do not respect our laws are called ILLEGAL. That's the facts and they are indisputable. I also take exception to your use of the word racist to label anyone who does not agree with your point of view. It's a cheap and convenient way to avoid the truth.

  16. You are so benighted that you miss the point and confuse the issues.  Just like other apologists for immigration-law violators.

    No one who violates any country's immigration laws is welcome in that country.  This is not "racist" nor "idiotic;" rather it is rational, legal, moral and ethical.

    Laws change from time to time to deal with changing society, culture, environment, etc.  In a crowded world, with modern governments, there are laws people must abide by to protect each other's rights, safety, etc.  Immigration laws protect the citizens of one country from incursions by others.  Anyone who respects other people, respects immigration laws as they currently exist, too.

    So stop making bogus "historical" comparisons.  Stop making excuses for lawbreakers.  And if you do not like the laws of your own country, change them; if you do not like the laws of another country, don't go there. But at least have sufficient respect to abide by the laws!

  17. Well, that is the way things are. What do you want ?

    Personally, I don't think it is funny. The USA have a strong racist/n**i streak. In the XIX century, according to mark twain, people hanged Chinese just for fun.

    Up until the 1950s or so, it was not uncommon to lynch African Americans, usually by a bunch of nice guys called the KKK.

    In the 1960s, in Miami there were signs that said: "no dogs or Cubans allowed" and we were legals

    But don't waste your time. The goons will NEVER accept that, even if you put it in their face. They will try to rationalize with some dysfunctional argument like those you see here or worse

  18.   Sorry, you don't make sense. The fact is we beat the native tribes. Not to mention, this isn't 1808. We live in a different world now and that reqires different rules.

      Now i don't know where you're from, but my familiy has been here for at least seven generations, so don't tell me I need to go home and give my land to the indians. Also, don't call me a racist, I'm about 1/6 cherokee.

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