
Everyone is born an atheist, so isn't everyone a "bad and immoral person"?

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Countless times I have been told that I am bad, immoral, possessed, stupid, etc.

Because I am an atheist.

Doesn't that make everybody those things because they were once an atheist?




  1. i'm an atheist. [:

    don't worry about what everyone says..

    they can shove it.

  2. Wrong. no one is born with belief in God. That is something society and environment force on you. Religion was formed to control and tame people. So you are born Atheist/agnostic.

    Think before you type people.

    But- a Christian can argue thats what forgiveness is for. So not a strong argument.

  3. The most important motive, which has led people into blasphemy, is ignorance. The most important reason is ignorance even if the person is a space scientist. The ignorance meant here is the lack of judgment concerning the reasons for the being of all things. In other words, it is thinking simple and superficial.

    Another reason for ignorance is ‘bigotry and mocking’. This has been one of the biggest obstacles faced by the prophets when they were inviting people to the faith and belief in Divine Unity. They seriously struggled with the bigotry of the people and their insensible adherence to their ancestors’ perverted beliefs.

  4. If we are all born atheists (true) and assuming everyone is essentially born "bad and immoral" - what is the true course of action to take to correct this behaviour?

    None. First we have to look deeply and honestly into our own souls and find our own path to that which makes the most sense to us.  

    And then, we will learn a new way to coexist with all.  

    A wiccan who expects to be thumbs downed.    

    (Get busy - and please do not disappoint me!!)

  5. I disagree with your original premise.  If everyone was born an Atheist, how did religion start anyway?  It had to be taught by someone....HEY!  I think you just proved the existence of God, thanks!!  =]


  6. You are born in sin according to the Bible.  That's why your body decays... whether you feel like an immoral person or not.

  7. Ok, I'm gonna get technical here, aren't all of us Atheists to one degree or another.  Considering Atheist means disbelief in God or Gods...  Well everyone rejects other peoples religions, so that makes them an unbeliever, hence an Atheist.  When we are born, we do not know, nor do we care at that time about a higher power.  It is our parents who care about it.  So I don't know if agnostic is even the right term because an agnostic has heard, but doesn't know if there is or isn't.  How about innocent until indoctrinated?


  8. Yes.  It even says so in the Bible.  There is no one good, not one.

  9. Maybe that's what was meant by

    We Must become child like,again.

  10. I'm sure you are neither bad, immoral, possessed, stupid or evil, but you may not understand that those who believe want everyone else to believe like they do. Understand too that when people are born, they are not Atheist. Belief is a choice and believing is made after you are educated enough to make the choice to believe or not.

    Your freedom of non belief is your self expression and others have no right to tell you different. When others cut you down for your non-belief, they violate the very words of their faith. Jesus himself said that a person should take the board out of their eye, before they try to take the splinter out of someone else's. The church was made for man, not man for the church. God does not want believers because they are pushed into believing by rude self righteous do gooders, but by their own free will choice.

    Don't worry about them. Only remember that if you ever decide on your own to try believing out before it's too late, God is always there for you.

    Rev. TomCat

  11. Hm...well, St John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while he was yet in his mother's womb, so, I'll have to disagree with you on the baby thing.  Even psychologists have to agree that a baby's life is a secret one that no one really knows for sure.  Everyone SAYS they are born with a "clean slate", yet we have examples of children who are born gifted because their parents were teaching them lessons (listening to classical music, talking about math, etc) while the child was inutero.

    I think that we have a great potential for many things before we are even born.

    edit:  it's just the "rick roll" thing that makes people think you are evil....XD

  12. Yeah, it's probably part & parcel of the whole "original sin" package

  13. The Lord said not one is good, regardless of who you are or what worldview you ascribe to.  Being an atheist doesnt make you more or less *bad* in the eyes of God.  We are all in the same boat.

  14. >Pssst<  You're talking to people that think EVERYBODY'S bad, immoral, etc, etc, even themselves.

    You're not going to get through to them using logic.

  15. Uhhhh... Freewill... Yeah, that's the ticket! Freewill.

    Someone will probably say that, so I thought I'd beat them to the punch bowl.

    I've never been a fan of the whole "Everyone is born bad! people are sinners! Atheists especially!" rigmarole.

    If we're supposedly all born to be bad, then are we really all that bad? There is no need for "forgiveness" if you have nothing to be forgiven for other than simply being born.

  16. Yep, we are all born sinners.  This is in the Bible.  That's why God saved us from death, because we can't do it ourselves.

  17. Uh no because that person wasn't even right about atheists in the first place.

  18. Artard - that is what fundies do believe, just that they need Jebus to get out of trouble. Please delete question before they start howling that atheists admit theyre right.

    PS:- Babies are not evil - it doesnt matter what fundies say

  19. Flawed premise, flawed conclusion.

    Like, when I was born I was agnostic.

  20. I guess you are what you are in the present, eh?

    p.s. Sorry you gotta deal with people who are intolerant and unkind. :/  

  21. Technically we are born agnostic...but yeah, I was born an atheist in contemporary terms

  22. No one is born an atheist or a Christian or a Muslim or a Buddhist.

    Babies do not have opinions, or beliefs.  That takes experience or knowledge.

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