
Everyone is getting excited about the next election, but what is the point? Ask Al Gore about the popular vote

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Everyone is getting excited about the next election, but what is the point? Ask Al Gore about the popular vote




  1. What about the popular vote?  Our president has never been elected based on the popular vote.  It doesn't mean anything.  Those are the rules.  And politicians, including Gore, knew that going into the race.

  2. The point? you have to be kidding me. It is a Honor and a privilege to be able to vote. And the 2000 election is one of the best examples of the wisdom of our founders, and the benefits of the electoral college.

    The most important reason to vote for me is to keep the Stalinist Hillary out of the White House!

  3. this is answer is not based on partisanship, but i am excited for change i am in hopes that we can have a president that relies more on discussion than force. and someone that can work with congress because as you see they are not getting anything done at this time.

  4. I'm not excited. None of the parties have picked their candidates for President and Vice President. The names for the House of Representatives and Senate elections have not yet been announced. The excitement, if there is any, concerns a media-driven beauty pageant.

    As to Mister Gore losing in the year 2000, it might be better to ask him why he failed to get the majority of the popular vote in his own home state. Even Mondale did better than that. LOL!

  5. Bill clinton didnt win with the popular vote. Why is it different when a republician wins.

  6. Direct democracy (AKA elections by popular vote) leads to a tyranny of the majority.  In addition, the popular vote IS considered at the state level.  The results of the popular vote in the states determine those who will be sent to DC as electorates in the Electoral College.  If you don't understand this you need to do a little research into how our electoral system works before knocking it.

  7. Very true, unless you live in a swing state it doesn't matter much.  I think the electorial college is the biggest reason for low voter turnouts in elections.

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