
Everyone is leaving!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I work some nights in a home and we normally have 7 staff that do these nights. Now we only have 2 left as 5 are leaving saying the work is too heavy!

It is too heavy but the manager wont listen.

They are having trouble recruiting too!

What can we do to make management listen??




  1. threaten to strike  

  2. Surely they will have no choice but to listen when there aren't any people available to cover all the shifts? Are you not members of a nursing union whose rep can help put across your issues?

  3. It's about your manager if he doesn't want to listen,maybe you could try raising salaries for the staff?

  4. time for you to leave I think!

  5. do your work as only one forget the others . he will understand that you cannot do more than one .

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