
Everyone is related..?!?

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Check this article out.From what you read do you think that everyone is related and linked to each other?




  1. WOW! This will be the best GUILT BY ASSOCIATION story of the whole campaign.

    (And yes, I've got the Blauvelt-Zabriskie thing going on, so that means I'm in the mix, too. But, as my mother said, "we're from the poor side of the family, but at least we don't air our dirty laundry in public...")

  2. Watched a documentary about DNA and was all traced back to Africa.

  3. Who do you mean by 'everybody'?

    It's not surprising that Americans who have been there a number of generations are distantly related to one another since originally there would have been a small number of immigrants.

    But there are populations in the world that have been isolated for tens of thousands of years and you're going to be pushing it to find anybody there that is even remotely related to Hillary Clinton.

  4. i think it is very possible, if you think about it the population has grown exponentially, so reversing that leads back to a handful of people who populated the world so with enough connect the dots i think we all are distantly related

  5. yea pretty much.... im pretty sure my farest cousin to the uncle is the president of China =)

  6. wow thats amazing

  7. If you think about it, the number of ancestors doubles in each generation. So, you have 2 parents, 4 grandparents, 8 great-grandparents, 16 great-great grandparents, 32 great-great-great grandparents, 64 great-great-great-great grandparents and so on and so forth until you get 1,099,511,627,776 (that's one trillion) 38th great-grandparents!  Considering that there weren't that many people in the world back then, there has to be many repititions, and many relations.

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