
Everyone is talking about asians want caucasion eyes... i want asian eyes (chinese japanese)...

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my grandmother is asian from north china... and i have a little touch of asian eyes.... i would like to enhance it with make up tips to look more asian... but i cant find any on the internet... everyone is talking about asian eyes looking like caucasion.... can anyone give me a some makeup tips?




  1. If you just line your entire top & bottom lashlines with dark eyeliner and smudge it.

  2. I'm the same way, I'm Japanese/white. I apply liquid eyeliner only on the top with a "flick" or "wing" at the end where it goes up a little and don't wear mascara when I want to look more Asian.

    Here are some old pictures so you can see:

    Without makeup

    With makeup

    I look a lot more Asian with my hair long and black but I was going through a light hair phase.  

  3. Why do you want to change your eyes ?

    Just be happy with them ! Don't try to look like some other nationality or w.e

    Why would you want to ? I mean WTF !?

  4. There are two main things that asian eyes have

    no eye crease and the slanted "squinty eye"

    When you buy eyeshadow now yo can buy it with three colours. The darkest colour is put in our eye crease to help define it more. When you create the asain eyes you need to do the opposite. Use a very light shade and put that in the crease. Your basically going to contour your eye crease out. You can also use a light contour cream and use that instead or a cosmetic highlighter.

    If you eyes have some of the asain feature it should be easier for you to do all this.

    Next take a liquid eyeliner - because you want no smudging. Line your top lash line and when you get to the outer edge of the lid flick the eyeliner up wards.

    There are alot of asians that do have round eyes and its just mainly the no eyelid thing that is the difference. So lighten up your whole eye area expecially the crease.

    Another thing i noticed lookingat some picture is that they all had really thin high eyebrows so take care of those eyes brows.

    your other facial features will play into effect on if you look asian or not as well. Like the small "button" nose. the eye colour is important and the hair colour aswell and even the soft smooth creamy skin tone.

    asain eyes are small looking so stay away from lengthening mascara and white eyeliner. Mascara helps make your eyes look bigger, and you cannot really see the asians lashes.

    I do not know what your eyes really look like or how asian you appear or anything. So the inofrmation I ahve given above should be used as guidelines. Experiment and practice. You will find a technique that works for you. ( you may find applying eyeliner to your bottom lash line may help as well, applying a nude shade to the outer corner and blend it up and out with the liner, etc.).

    Another idea is to go to a make up artist personally or just one at the store or something and tell them you want asain eyes, and if your uncomfortable with telling them just because tell them its for a costume. they will show you the techniques more than I can tell you. Its way easier for us to show some one by applying the make up.

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