
Everyone keeps asking!!!!??

by  |  earlier

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a couple of days ago my bf asked me if i had an eating disorder. i said no and asked why? and he was like you never eat anymore, and if you do its not much. i told him no that he was being silly and not to worry.

then i stayed at my cousins and when we got up we got dressed and we had to pack up the dogs things and get things ready to leave so we could go to the mall. and she asjed me if i was hungry i said no. then before we left her mom made me eat a piece of toast even though i didn't want to. and she wa slike you need to eat!!

then my bestfriend asked if i was ok. i said yes why? he was like cause your losing weight. i wa slike so? i'm glad! i hate being like fat. and he was like your not and you need to eat. i was like i do! he was like what did you eat today? and i hadn't eaten anything. so he went into a huge lecture about eating disorders!! its insane! so i don't like to eat much. i can go days without eating and not feel hungry. i chew gum alot so that could be why. but i




  1. hun, i know its hard but you really do sound like you have an eating disorder. I had one...and I didnt want to admit/realise that I did either...but you need to get help hun before it goes to far! This is a serious thing...not a NEED to get help...i would really like to talk to you more about the issue, just since i too went through an eating disorder. PLEASE email me or really need to get help! i dont want you to end up like i did, and trust me, its not fun or glamorous! PLEASE DONT CONTINUE WITH THIS!!! you NEED to get help, and you can start off by emailing me or whatever!


  2. I think you do have an eating disorder. You said you were fat, and nobody can go days without eating! You need to eat. If you have been doing this for awhile it starts to get hard to eat things because you aren't used to it. You need to accept your friends support and eat, honey. Good luck.

  3. Speak to someone Darling.. I use to be anorexic and this sounds exactly how I started off..I started with anorexia, then bulmia and then cutting..  not eating and thinking you're fat when you're obviously not are big signs of anorexia

  4. Please listen. It sounds like you do not know it yet but you are unconsciously not eating enough. Going days without food is possibly fatal. Since I don't know your measurements I can't actually say if your weight is healthy, but if your friends and family are trying to intervene, that MEANS something.

    My friend started losing weight and exercising a lot a few months ago. She would barely eat anything, and use her veganism as an excuse. She became very skinny, and went to the gym everyday for an hour. She obssessed over it, always saying she was fat when she weighs 110 and is 5' 3". She bakes and cooks a lot for friends and family, so she was always in the kitchen. However she never actually ate anything she made. It got to be so bad, her parents took action (the wrong kind, however) and are forcing her to eat, and restricting her privelages until she gains weight.

    Anorexia is a serious condition. Many times people don't realize they have it. You may be one of them. I'm sorry. Go to your doctor.

  5. How long are you planning to go on delluding yourself like this? I didn't even need to read the whole post without knowing there's something going on. But, of course, you're NEVER going to admit it, I know.

    Do you enjoy food? If you had teh choice between some cake and, say, a piece of lettuce, what would you choose? Honestly. When you made that choice, what went through your head? Did you subconciously think, well lettuce has less calories, cake is quite fatty? I bet it did. On SOME level.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you have an eating disorder, or you're body image is completly warped. What I AM saying however, is that you are developing one. You are in the very early stages.

    The thoughts are in your mind. You even said "he was like cause your losing weight. i was like so? i'm glad! i hate being fat." That, to me, says everything. That sums up the whole post. You think of yourself of being fat, and you acknowledge that you are losing weight. Weight doesn't just fall off people. To lose weight, you need to do something. You need to be pro-active. Therefore, you must be activly trying to lose weight. Why? Because you think of yourself as being fat.

    Go look at yourself in the mirrow. What do YOU see?


    f you're not starving or restricting food, the why is eating such a big problem? You shouldn't give it a second thought. If you don't want to lose weight, why not go eat something fattening? Surely that's not a problem, is it?

  6. sweetie, I've been in treatment for an eating disorder and i've had one for 6 years.  So i know whats its like.  You really sound like you have one. NO one is ok to go days with out eating. and you saying that you are fat... its just not a good sign.. Maybe you don't, I don't know you.  But with everyone's concern it doesn't sound good.  Plus if someone is trying to get you to eat.  If it wasn't an eating disorder you would eat whatever and not worry.  I pray that you can get help before it turns really ugly.  DOn't let it consume you.  IT'll be the biggest mistake that you will ever met.

  7. Keep a food diary.  Write down everything you eat, and how much, for a week, then you can show them that you are eating.  You can even estimate the calories using an online calculator.  You have to be really honest about it, though, or it won't be a true representation of what you are eating.  It might open your eyes as to what you really do eat, too!  And if they are still worried, please just go to a doctor and ask him what he thinks.

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