
Everyone left handed lost their twin in the womb?

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Anyone heard this saying before? Sure its not true but just checking!




  1. nope hun just a myth x

    (my 3 mates are identical triplets) all left handed

  2. Yes, I saw a piece on that; I think it was Discovery.  Its a real theory.  I'm a lefty and the theory does make sense. You come out a mirror image of your twin.  It could be true, but we will probably never know.

    It happens very early on when you woudn't see anything on an ultrasound....

  3. No, that sounds really mad. But I like it.

  4. I've never heard this before, but think it must be a myth.  If the "twin" died before it became visible, then how does anyone ever know it was there?  There is no evidence - you could say absolutely anything!  And why isn't it said that every right-handed person has lost a twin in the womb?  It doesn't make sense for it to be said about lefties and not about righties.

    And since function is controlled by the opposite hemisphere of the brain - only left handed people are in their right minds - and yes, I'm a leftie!

  5. I've never heard that before.

    I doubt that it's true.

    My son is left handed and there was only ever one baby when I was pregnant with him.

  6. My son was a right handed person, and he lost his sibling in this way, but others I know who are left handed, have not lost a sibling "in vivo", or "in utero", so the answer is no.

    But just in passing, I found out, yesterday, that the people born left handed are, on average, likely to live ten years less, than those born right handed, No reason was given for this , but it is just a passing statistic....

  7. If you were a twin surely the other one would be left handed as well but if the saying is true why would only right handed babies die?


  8. its not true 2 of my children are left handed and any scan that i had did not show any other baby

  9. No, I've never heard of it before, interesting though

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