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what do you personally think of vegetarians im a vegetarian :D




  1. They can't handle the truth!

  2. Vegetarians lack a lage food sorce that helps them grow. Its called iron. So i just personally think that it is the persons choice to be a vegetarian. Every1 has thier reasons 4 being wat they choose

    So good on u for ur choice

  3. I'm Vegan, and i love it!

    I am not missing out on anything, if anything my change in diet broadened my horizon and made me discover what amazing foods are out there that don't involve any type of flesh.

    and it's because of the truth that i am vegan, not the other way around.

  4. Vegetarians are doing a lot of good for their health, the animals, and the environment.

    Other than that, it's kind of hard to make generalizations about vegetarians.... there are nice ones and mean ones :)

  5. Personally  I think you must have a lot of will power.

  6. I personally think vegetarian are obviously informed and show much respect and do not believe in taking advantage of other organisms which have less "say" than we have. and if people won't go beg 'cus they thinks it's way expensive, they're dumb 'cus it's not expensive. The processed fake meat is but if you're a vegetarian you should hopefully have more of an imagination than only buying fake meat processed food and carrots.

  7. They are missing out on some delicious foods! Although there are some very nice vegetarian foods aswell.

  8. I don't need a label attached to my eating habits. I eat with health in mind as well as with the environment and animal friendliness in consideration. I allow everyone else that luxury and if any care to laugh it will be me that laughs last but it will be they who explain and mitigate their actions to God first.

  9. Even I'm a vegan only. Being a vegetarian, means it's comparatively healthier than being a non-vegearian. A vegetarian menu is a powerful and pleasurable way to achieve good health. The vegetarian eating pattern is based on a wide variety of foods that are satisfying, delicious, and healthful. Vegetarians avoid meat, fish, and poultry. Those who include dairy products and eggs in their diets are called lacto-ovo vegetarians. Vegans (pure vegetarians) eat no meat, fish, poultry, eggs, or dairy products. While there is a considerable advantage to a lacto-ovo vegetarian pattern, vegan diets are the healthiest of all, reducing risk of a broad range of health concerns.

    An Healthy Heart:

    Vegetarians have much lower cholesterol levels than meat-eaters, and heart disease is uncommon in vegetarians. The reasons are not hard to find. Vegetarian meals are typically low in saturated fat and usually contain little or no cholesterol. Since cholesterol is found only in animal products such as meat, dairy, and eggs, vegans consume a cholesterol-free diet.

    The type of protein in a vegetarian diet may be another important advantage. Many studies show that replacing animal protein with plant protein lowers blood cholesterol levels-even if the amount and type of fat in the diet stays the same. Those studies show that a low-fat, vegetarian diet has a clear advantage over other diets.

    Lower Blood Pressure:

    An impressive number of studies, dating back to the early 1920s, show that vegetarians have lower blood pressure than non-vegetarians. In fact, some studies have shown that adding meat to a vegetarian diet raises blood pressure levels rapidly and significantly. The effects of a vegetarian diet occur in addition to the benefits of reducing the sodium content of the diet. When patients with high blood pressure begin a vegetarian diet, many are able to eliminate their need for medication.

    Controlling Diabetes:

    The latest studies on diabetes show that a diet high in complex carbohydrates (which are found only in plant foods) and low in fat is the best dietary prescription for controlling diabetes. Since diabetics are at high risk for heart disease, avoiding fat and cholesterol is the most important goal of the diabetic diet, and a vegetarian diet is ideal. Although all insulin-dependent diabetics need to take insulin, plant-based diets can help to reduce insulin needs.

    Cancer Prevention:

    A vegetarian diet helps prevent cancer. Studies of vegetarians show that death rates from cancer are only about one-half to three-quarters of those of the general population. Breast cancer rates are dramatically lower in countries where diets are typically plant-based. When people from those countries adopt a Western, meat-based diet, their rates of breast cancer soar.

    Vegetarians also have significantly less colon cancer than meat eaters. Meat consumption is more closely associated with colon cancer than any other dietary factor.

    Why do vegetarian diets help protect against cancer? First, they are lower in fat and higher in fiber than meat-based diets. But other factors are important, too. For example, vegetarians usually consume more of the plant pigment beta-carotene. This might help to explain why they have less lung cancer. Also, at least one study has shown that natural sugars in dairy products may raise the risk for ovarian cancer in some women.

    Some of the anti-cancer aspects of a vegetarian diet cannot yet be explained. For example, researchers are not quite sure why vegetarians have more of certain white blood cells, called “natural killer cells,” which are able to seek out and destroy cancer cells.

    The Calcium Connection:

    Vegetarians are less likely to form either kidney stones or gallstones. In addition, vegetarians may also be at lower risk for osteoporosis because they eat little or no animal protein. A high intake of animal protein encourages the loss of calcium from the bones. Replacing animal products with plant foods reduces the amount of calcium lost. This may help to explain why people who live in countries where the diet is typically plant-based have little osteoporosis even when calcium intake is low.

    Planning Vegetarian Diets:

    It’s easy to plan vegetarian diets that easily meet nutrient needs. Grains, beans, and vegetables are rich in protein and iron. Green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, nuts, and dried fruits are excellent sources of calcium.

    Vitamin D is normally made in the body when sun shines on the skin. Those who have regular sun exposure do not normally need to get vitamin D in foods. People who are dark-skinned or live at northern latitudes have some difficulty producing vitamin D year round. Vitamin D can easily be obtained from fortified foods. Some sources are commercial breakfast cereals, soymilk, other supplemental products, and multivitamins.

    Vitamin B12 is plentiful in fortified foods. Some sources are commercial breakfast cereals, soy products, and Vegetarian Support Formula nutritional yeast. Although vitamin B12 deficiency is uncommon, strict vegetarians should be sure to include a source of this vitamin in their diet. When reading food labels, look for the word cyanocobalamin in the ingredient list. This is the form of vitamin B12 that is best absorbed.

  10. I think they are regular human beings.

    I'm one too :)

    And Jade; we dont miss anything but flesh (which isnt much to miss)

    Also, I have nothing against meat eaters, all of my ffriends eat meat as well as my entire family!

  11. i love 'em cuz i am one

  12. I feel that it is your choice. Myself I'm not a vegetarian and could not be one because I have a hard time eating alot of veggies. You are missing out on some very good foods. Steak cooked on the grill with corn on the cob is the best.

  13. Veggies rule!

    I'm vegan, used to be a vegetarian, people think we miss out on nice foods and i did have doubts that i would miss out by turning vegan, but there are still so many yummy foods that you can eat, such as vegan chocolate, vegan ice cream, vegan chocolate milk, vegan chocolate chip cookies, and so much more great tasting food!

    People seem to think vegetarian lack important nutrients like protein and iron etc, but there are plenty of other places to get them.

    Being vegetarian is a great choice to make because there are health benefits and it can help you loose weight

    Glad to hear your veggie!


  14. personally i wouldn't think anything bad of a vegetarian. i would just miss the steak pork chops hamburgers.

  15. i have nothing against them...

    but they have some weird thing that makes them not like


    like, making it their god.... or something

    but no offense

  16. I am a Veggie too..... so hihi

    i think it dosen´t matter what you eat.. veggie or vegan is like everybody else.. just a person.. it dosen´t matter what you eat... as long as you think its okay for you .... and if you want that people respect you ...for the way you are.... . you also have to respect the other ones... no matter what they eat...

  17. I don't care about them one way or the other. Though I am one.

  18. I think it is good. I am trying to be a vego but not very successfully.

    I have eaten meat all my life, I never thought i would want to become a vego, but i think of all those poor animals being killed just so i have something to eat.

    My boyfriend is a vego and he inspired me to become one too. :)

  19. they r missing smthn/!!!!!

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