I have two cats, sisters, and they are about 8 years old. About a week and a half ago, one of them started having diarrhea (which only every once in a while was tinged with blood) but I couldn't figure out which one it was b/c they never will use the litter box with me around. Neither of them ever acted sick either. Then the diarrhea started getting a bit better, not as watery and hasn't had blood in it in a few days. But I thought I figured out which cat it was (caught her in the litter box & there was a little bit of soft p**p where she was) Friday night and vowed to take her to the vet on Monday. Then suddenly, my other cat wouldn't eat on Saturday and then didn't eat anything on Sunday either. But she's extremely thirsty and even lays next to the water bowl. She still hasn't eaten this morning yet my cat whom I thought was sick is still acting fine. So I'm going to take them both to the vet to get checked out. But what could this possibly be? Has anyone had this happen to their pet? Could it be diabetes because the cat that's been thirsty and not eating is overweight. Please let me know so I know what to expect at the vet's.