
Everyone plez help!!!?

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what do i do if i love a guy but he is my best friend?




  1. tell him..

  2.   Why would you want to love anyone other than your best friend. That is the best thing you could do in the world. Go for it.

  3. tell him

    ther is no easier way

    or else u will always ask what would have happened with us if i told him? ull ask what if a lot and im sure u dont want to do that

    these feelings wont go away and u never know...he might like you too

    good luck

    ps. i know that this can be really hardd. so if u cant say it face to face, text, im or write a letter and stick it in his locker

    i hope everyhting works out fine!

  4. Telling him is the best thing.

  5. say okay this is akwad 4 me to say but i like you do u wanna giveit a shot? and is hes like no! be like hahahaha i got you, ur so easy to fool:P

    i know its dumb but its not lol  

  6. let him know. you have to , if not then if will be awkward between you two. it will be hard to tell him so muster all your courage and let him know. if you dont, you'll never know what could have been. you may end up finding out that he likes you a bit to. you have to put your self out there, give your self a fighting chance.... good luck  and hope you get him.

  7. tell him.  i learned the hard way that you will eventually tell him no matter what you intend to do, and by then it might be too late.

  8. ok, i used to be in the reverse of this situation... lol he loved me and we were bezzies. but we got it sorted! we are really open about it now and he told me what he did:

    first he took a few days off from me, he said he was just busy, and he thought about me and tried to figure his feelings for sure.

    then a few days later he emailed me and asked me if I wanted 2 meet at the park.

    so we went and he was just flirting with me and we nearly kissed, but i said i had to go and he said that was annoying lol

    later that nite he emailed me to say did i love him... i said why?... he said coz i love u... i told him i loved some1 else but i rang him and we had a heart-to-heart and got it sorted. it was awkward at first, but after a few days we were back to normal. i know he still loves me, though, and if i ever love him we will get together lol

    so if u want to get this guy, i would suggest:

    -taking that few days off seeing him. i did this with my TL (true love lol) and it helped me figure out what i wanted to happen.

    -try and meet up with him, flirt and look ur best... if he is interested he will flirt back

    -he might c that u <3 him, and if he says he's not interested, say that u r - dont lie, or say ur joking - interested, but that u will try and put that aside to keep ur friendship, or w/e else u feel/want 2 say.

    -if he is interested... take it from there!

    gd luck!

    PS if u dont want him to know... wait a few weeks, see how he interacts with u, and then... if he seems interested, do what i suggested. if he doesnt, i would recommend doing that last bit, but if ur shy, just try and put it behind u.

    hope i helped!

  9. Let him know, but do it while you're alone. Gradually build up to the word love, start with I really like you, alot more than a friend, then go from there.

  10. What better way to be in love than to love your best friend?!  It's a beautiful thing to be good friends and fall in love; however, I understand your dilemma.  If you do not believe he feels the same way for you, I would not tell him how I feel so the friendship doesn't become awkward.  If you believe he feels more for you than friends, I'd say you both should talk it thru.

  11. you should tell him how you feel...he is your best friend which means he knows you better than anyone else...and respects you more than anyone matter what he will still care about you...
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