
Everyone said doxycycline takes 2 weeks or so to see results, what will you see?

by  |  earlier

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I have taken doxycycline for a week now for acne that formed two months ago. It's not any ordinary acne that I have compared with photos because it looks more like a red rash all over my cheeks. Throughout this one week, I have notice that my cheeks are less red and whiteheads are less to disappearing.

But everyone said u will see results in two weeks, some said 6-8 weeks. What kind of results will you see? Will you see whatever you have currently on your face started to fade? Or will you see there's no new things forming?




  1. took me about a month to cut down the acne.  Took about 2 months to get rid of it completely.  Dermatologist also prescribed some prescription strength creme, and the combination of the two did the trick.

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