
Everyone says im a good poet, am i?

by  |  earlier

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this is the first poem i wrote....let me know what you think..

My feelings for you were so real, but now my heart is in pieces and i dont think it could ever heal.

You were once my entire life, I truly believe

one day i'd become your wife.

I believed your every lie, except for the time

you told me goodbye. I fell in love with you so fast,

but i guess this "thing" with us could never last.

I loved you so much but why couldnt i see,

that you and i just weren't meant to be?......




  1. yes, im stealing this poem,thanks

  2. I like the poem, from what I can tell

    this is about a relationship or marriage

    that went sour because of the lies

    Your husband betrayed your trust

    You had feelings for him you felt

    the same

    The love was so quick

    you didn't see what he was like

    in time,

    until one day you became his wife

    and he walked out on you

    You said that last line very well

    All I can say is shame on him.

  3. Yes a very good free verse poem.  If it is your first you are quite talented.

  4. wow i really like that poem

    your a good poet

  5. That was really good ^^

  6. yes you are, because this is really... good

  7. It's very good.  Nicely done!

  8. i think your quite good

  9. It's nice, but it's the same as almost every other love poem out there. Are you fishing for compliments? Cause if people said you were good already, confirming it like this is a bit....

    Read my poem?

  10. i like that poem

    but it takes talent to do more than one good one

    so if you have any more try put them up id like to read them

    could you read my poem

  11. I think your poem is wonderful.  A "first" poem that says a lot!!!  Filled with passion and disappointment, that comes through beautifully.

    Trim the "excess words" from it, add a little punctuation and voile' . . .

    My feelings were so real;

    now my heart is in pieces

    and I'm not sure it will ever heal.

    You were once my entire life,

    wanted to become your wife;

    believed your every lie

    till you told me goodbye.

    I fell for you so fast;

    really thought it would last.

    I guess I loved you so much

    I just couldn't see

    that you and I

    just weren't meant to be.

    What will you title it?  I suggest "First Love".

    Real nice job of expression.

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