
Everyone says im not a vegetarian?

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irecently decided to turn vegetarian about 3 months ago and i love it, but people keep telling me im not really a vegetarian. i eat cheese and yogurt and stuff like that. but never meat. and from what ive always known that considers me a vegetarian, not vegan. so i dont get why everyone says that? i dont know if theyre just ignorant and dont know what theyre talking about, or if im wrong? cause i eat all fruits and veggies and pasta, and if my pasta has milk in it thats ok right? if not, what am i then? cause i dont eat meat at all.




  1. Dont be vegetarian just so you can say a vegetarian because you love animals. No one has to know that you are, or arent one. If you believe in your heart that you are doing good..Thats good enough for me :-)

  2. you are a vegeterian! not a vegan!

    but if it makes you feel goob being a veggi den dont listen to wat other ppl tell you

  3. so what. you act like it's a big deal.

    you don't need a second opinion, what you need is confidence

  4. double check your yogurts, ice creams and cheeses.

    some cheeses contain animal rennet, some yogurts contain gelatin and even ice cream can have egg in them as well as some pasta's are egg pasta's ... most of the veggie burgers have egg in them too ...

    if you are vegetarian then no meat of any kind

    no white meat - pork, chicken, fish

    no red meat of any kind

    it's totally up to you if you want to consume eggs or not and yes milk is ok.

    on the other hand being a vegan means no meat or anything that involves animals including dairy and leather wallets.

    you need to really decide if this is for you, it's a lifelong decision and good luck!

  5. So long as you also don't eat slaughter by-products then you are a vegetarian.

    check your yoghurts, they often have pork geletin in them.

  6. Vegetarians do not eat animals or byproducts of their slaughter.

    If you do not eat beef, chicken, fish, shrimp, clams, etc. which are all from animals, you are probably vegetarian.

    If you are vegetarian and eat dairy, you would be lacto-vegetarian. If you also ate eggs, you'd be lacto-ovo-vegetarian.

    Strict vegetarians do not eat dairy, eggs or anything else that comes from an animal.

    Bread, pasta, cereal, rice, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and veggies can easily offer everything that you need except B12.

    All vegetarians should take a B12 supplement regularly since most people eat meat, dairy AND fortified cereals yet still have a B12 status that is lower than recommended.

    It may help you if you see proof that vegetarians have the same potential as anyone else.

    If you need meat or dairy during any stage of your life or to live any certain lifestyle, why does the American Dietetic Association say otherwise?

  7. I have had this before too. People will tell me i am not. And i ate just like you. I will have to explain the difference between vegetarian and vegan a lot. It gets annoying. But just tell them, say no if i don't eat dairy products that will make me vegan, but because i don't eat meat, and still eat dairy, then that makes me a vegetarian. I usually tell them that i can still have cheese, milk and so on. But just ignore them, if they still bother you. You are considered a vegetarian. =) Hope i helped. Good luck.  

  8. Yes, vegetarian means you don't eat meat. It means you don't kill animals for food. So eating dairy is still acceptable. Possibly eggs too.

    Vegans eat nothing that comes from an animal.

  9. lacto-ovo vegitarians eat nuts milk and cheese.

    lact0- as in lactose

    lacto-ova vegitarian definition in Source


  10. YOU ARE VEGETARIAN! "Lacto-Ovo Vegetarian" to be precise. They are just jealous that you have the willpower to make a positive change in your life. People that do not eat dairy are vegans.

  11. Non-veg foods are meat ,eggs etc. If you are not having them  then you are vegetarian .Do not think what other says.

  12. Yes, you are considered a lacto-ovo vegetarian.  Maybe they are confising it with vegans who do not consume any animal products ever.  If you don't eat anything with eyes then you are a vegetarian.  But who cares?  It's not like a status symbol, it's your personal diet choice.  I think the term is very limiting really,  like what if at Thanksgiving you decide it's just not the same without turkey.  Since you are  a "vegetarian" you are commited to not eating it.  But tofurkey sucks.

  13. You are right you are vegetarian.  Vegan is not eating any animal bi-products.  These other people are uneducated.  Remind them that vegans do not eat cheese, etc. and that "veggies" don't eat meat.

  14. well in some yogurt they have eggs and if thats not it then they are teasing u because they that NOt eating meat is stupid or not normal

  15. My vote is that you are vegetarian.

  16. You're completely correct, I'm vegetarian too, and even though I'm going to go vegan soon, I'm not yet. And I always hate it when people think that vegetarians can't eat diary. So just a shout out to the people who have it wrong, vegetarians eat no meat -btw seafood IS meat- but any thing else they want to, pescitarians eat no meat EXCEPT for fish, and vegans are just like a vegetarian, cept for they don't eat any diary products.

  17. you are an ovo-lacto vegetarian.  You still eat eggs and dairy, not just plant based foods.  You're not an actual "vegetarian" but those people probably are just being as*holes and don't know the difference between ovo-lacto vegetarian, vegetarian and vegan.

    ovo-lacto vegetarian: eats eggs and dairy

    lacto vegetarian: eats dairy not eggs

    ovo vegetarian: eats eggs not dairy

    vegetarian: eats only plant foods (fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, legumes)

    vegan: same as vegetarian, plus does not wear, use any products that come from an animal: like leather, silk, feathers and do not believe in having pets, circuses, zoos, etc.  

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