
Everyone says that I am spoiled. It makes me embarassed.?

by Guest58224  |  earlier

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I have a laptop, ipod and more. I want a cell. But they say im spoiled. Are they being mean? Or not?




  1. well a laptop and an ipod is not spoiled, but maybe it's ur attitude towards getting these things?

  2. You are not spoiled in away possible. Just ignore them. Spoiled would be living in a 20,000 sq. ft. mansion with anything you could imagine. oh well. I have all that (except the mansion but I have 5 houses) and I am called spoiled too,. Dont let them get to u they are just jealous.

  3. they r u arent spoiled i have a tv in my room an ipod a laptop and a cell and im not spoiled

  4. Just say "I am very fortunate and I appreciate everything that my parents give me".  Why feel "embarrassed".

  5. Thats just their opinion. its not like u act like a brat and brag and stuff. they feel u are a spoiled- i guess thats their problem =]

  6. People have opinions. Well I have a laptop, an ipod, but not a cell phone but I really want one. It depends. Is there any other reason why they would think that you are spoiled. If you have a laptop, and an ipod, it doesn't mean that you are spoiled. I don't know if they are being mean but just having a laptop, and ipod DOES NOT make u spoiled.  

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