
Everyone says to enjoy being single and don't push it, but I cant help it!?

by  |  earlier

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This is in response to all the people that answered my "No girlfriend for 5 years, could it be karma?" question. Alot of you are saying not to worry, that she will find me, that im trying to hard and other stuff.

I really feel that I can't help it though. I mean, I don't think I would know if I met my soul mate. I mean, first I really liked this girl back in high school, I mean...a lot. Me and her would spend like 3 or 4 hours together at the park afterschool just talking. The problem was she had a boyfriend, and even though he treated her badly, she still really liked him. She ended up moving away and I was very sad.

Not sure if there was anyone between then and now, but if there was obviously I don't miss them much so I know they weren't it.

For a while there was this girl at work and we happened to cross paths after not seeing eachother since elementary school. Well I liked her for a while, I found out she has a boyfriend though and I was sorta sad. well, that was pretty recent, and now there is this girl I have know online. I originally met her on a game. I thought she was a pretty cool girl, but recently she added pictures of herself on her myspace, and after seeing the pictures, i immediately became very attracted to her. I also heard her actual voice about the same time as i saw her myspace pictures. She is very attractive, but not in a S****y, showing half her naked body way, but rather in a very beautiful, artistic, and just gorgeous. She has the beautiful eyes, a very pretty face, and a good personality. Now Since I have seen her on myspace, I have been looking forward to talking to her everyday, feeling joy when i get to talk to her, and sad when I don't see her online.

The only problem is, there is over 2000 miles between us (two completely different states) and a 2 and a half year age difference (im 20, shes 18). I also am not very sure if she likes me. She has said that I am handsome, but as a response to telling her she looks pretty, and I am not sure if it was just a response or if its a sign that she likes me. Theres a few minor things, but thats the main thing that told me "hey, maybe she likes me!" Does she like me? or is it too hard to tell with this small amount of info?

Also, back to my main question, it seems that when I am crazy for every girl that I like, so how would I really know when a girl is my soul mate? Not only that but if everyone says "you dont have to go after your soul-mate, they will come to you", then wouldn't some people end up waiting for their soul-mate and never find them?

And aren't websites like e-harmony and designed to do the looking for you?

I need serious help! Love is just too complicated for me!!!




  1. Just take it slow, You will meet the one, Rushing it just to have someone isn't a good thing because being alone for a while and finding the perfect woman for you in time isn't such a bad idea. Good guys finish last and I'm sure she will be worth the wait! Good luck

  2. I think seeing a picture and hearing a voice is not enough to be in love.  I think you would do better to find a girl where you work or somewhere closer to home....wherever that is.

    You might meet a girl at the produce section of the grocery the miniature golf course or the driving range. . . Check out the mall......the food court..

    Get out in the world and meet real friends first before you imagine yourself to be in love.  

  3. Take bold chances and get the yes as fast as you can so you can start enjoying and getting to know each other.

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