
Everyone should learn english to live here?

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i still want to know why is it right not learn english if you to live in America?




  1. I think that they ought to learn english. But, it is easier for the younger generations to learn it becuse they have to use it in school and at other activites. While the older gernations such as parents and grandparents, dont learn it becuse they cant practice it like the younger generation can. Also it is a proven fact that younger children are able to learn another language alot eaiser then someone older then them.

  2. This is totally a self-correcting situation which will in no way affect you negatively. Those who need to learn English (for school, work, or citizenship) are learning English or at least on waiting lists for classes. Those who do not need to  (such as the retired elderly, etc.) may or may not be studying English, according to their level of interest. No need to concern yourself in either case, unless you wish to volunteer as an English tutor. There actually is a higher demand than can currently be filled through night schools. Many libraries are sponsoring volunteer programs to help do that. If you feel strongly about it, that would be an excellent way for you to contribute toward solving what you perceive to be a problem. I have known many immigrants whose English was not yet perfect, who were still willing to share what knowledge they had with their fellow English learners.

  3. I agree with you that you should learn English to live in North America. The problem is that a lot of immigrants have difficulty learning the English language. It really depends on where they come from. If it is Asia their languages have nothing in common with English that is why Chinese, Korean and Japanese are so difficulty for English speakers to learn and vice versa. If they come from Europe it is easier for them as we share common words and basis for words. The rule is that the first generation of immigrants the adults learn to speak basic English and their children speak the native language and English but the second generation will only speak English and lose their grandparents native language which I think is a shame because haveing a second language is always of benefit to you.I have read and heard from non native English speakers that English is the most difficult language to learn because there are so many variants. Look at the number of people in this country who speak English only and still can;t spell or use proper grammar!!

  4. This is the "Land of the Free." We'd be hypocritical if we forced everyone to learn english to move/live here.

  5. If you are criticizing people that can't speak English very well, then I would highly reccomend that you fix all of your grammatical errors first, because that sentence makes no sense.

  6. If anyone lives in America,that person should learn English.  

  7. I disagree if you want to live here I don't think you should have to learn English. I think it is probably in the persons best interest to know English, if they plan to stay here in the United States.  

  8. It sounds like you know english.

    It's proprably easiest to know english to live here, but then again it is called the melting pot... so....

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