
Everyone thinks I'm g*y... but I'm not. How can I deal with this?

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So basically everyone at my school thinks I'm g*y.. unless they know me then they know I'm not. It's so annoying and people ask me it all the time because I look, act, dress, walk, etc. like a g*y guy. I'm fifteen. What should I do?




  1. Avoid people from the same gender and fiercely seek out the company of person from the opposite s*x. All this row about your supposed being of g*y will die down, in course of time. All that you need to do is to ignore the taunts and mind your work.

  2. well know some guys who were like you who kept saying they werent g*y but he ended up being g*y.

    if your really not dont wear preppy clothes, dont look so neat all the time, dont use your hands when you talk, dont talk in high pitch voices, dont hang around guys who look or are g*y, walk different, get a girlfriend, join a sports team, dont roll eyes.

  3. 1. Tell people you're not g*y.

    2. Maybe take a look at yourself and ask yourself if maybe you are g*y.

    3. Don't worry so much about what other people think.

    And there is no one way for a g*y person to act. Everyone is different.

  4. does it matter what they think?

  5. uhh start talking about sports, girls and cars...

  6. There are "masculine" females and "feminine" males in the world. Those stereotypes are changing everyday.

    Just be self-confident.

  7. make out with a girl infront of the whole school at lunch or something... get a girlfriend and start walking around the halls with your arms around her

  8. help is what i do best...... if they sayin u r g*y i have a outstanding situation for u.............  its not goin tellin the principal its something more fun............ start a rumor about sombody and tell one person that somebody in school (ur choice) sleps with his mommy coz he afraid of the dark.......... but that may not solve ur problem so my best solution is tell the schol that u rent g*y....... or trash someones reputation......... i love to do that w/ my enemies

  9. change the way you walk, dress, and talk. I dont know you, but that could be it.

  10. Try not to worry about it.  All the kids around you suffer from a huge lack of confidence right now - some hide it better than others. It's common for kids to poke fun at others and often they do it to hide their own inadequacies. If they find something that bothers you they often pick at it unmercifully.  You may not be able to stop them doing it so I would just try and ignore it.  Good luck

  11. Ask the people who think you're g*y how they know so much about g*y people.  Maybe they need to focus on something about themselves.  Hmmm.

  12. Get a girlfriend

  13. Trust your own feelings. If you think you're not a g*y, then you don't have to brag about it in front of all the people. Instead, just laugh the thing away. Don't let it ruin your life!

  14. Learn to shrug it off. You are who you are, and you do what you like, just say "Whatever.." In your head.

    You can always give people a blank stare and ignore them, make them feel awkward instead of you. Don't merit them with an answer if you don't feel like it.

    Don't forget, your a kid, you'll grow into a man, later. Don't let people take away your sunshine, just cause they are boring and normal, and can't see the bubbly side of life.

  15. i have a guy friend like this...and i kinda thought that until he started sharing with me the girls he liked lol

    maybe back off the intensity a little bit? and dont get a random girl to be ur girlfriend (like if ou dont like her) because then people will just think she is a cover up

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