
Everyone wants to be attractive and s**y, yet they constantly bring attention to their gross bodily functions?

by  |  earlier

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Am I the only person that sees an inconsistency between the way everyone wants to be perceived as cool/attractive/s**y and the way everyone seems to constantly reference the fact that they p**p and f**t? I know that everyone has these natural bodily functions and everyone knows that everyone else does them. But most people also agree that these functions are rather gross and disgusting. So if people want to be seen as s**y and attractive, you’d think they would refrain from causing others to acknowledge the fact that disgusting c**p and stinky gas come out of their body. Right? Yet, every day, I see people of both sexes showing no reluctance what so ever about making reference to themselves pooping and farting, even when they are talking to members of the opposite s*x. Does anyone else have this point of view, or do most people look at it completely differently?




  1. Some people don't give a sh*t.  

  2. YOU are too uptight!  

  3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. some people think a great sense of humor is attractive/s**y (keep in mind, humor is also subjective to individual opinions and body functions are amusing to many people)....  

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